Sport and the pursuit of excellence Analysis and Application (4) Sport and the pursuit of excellence Australia vs the uk 5 mark challenge Points awarded for the tasks completed Knowledge and Understanding (2) Flexibility of Thinking (6)
5 mark questions – 1 task per question Rugby union June 2012 Rugby union is a popular sport in Australia. Describe the impact of professionalism on rugby union in Australia (5 marks) Aussie rules June 2015 Outline reasons why Australian rules football is so popular in Australia (5 marks) Discuss in a maximum of 15 words what the question is asking. Provide an example. Transform the question into a flow diagram outlining the structure. Practice by writing an answer to one of these questions. What is the most difficult/easiest question? Explain why. Write a mark scheme for a question. Compare a question to one regarding the USA and UK. Association football June 2014 Outline the growth and development of Association Football in Australia (5 marks) Rugby league June 2016 compare the growth and development of rugby league in Australia and the uk (5 marks)
Ru Mark Scheme – June 2012
AF Mark Scheme – June 2014
Ar Mark Scheme – June 2015
rl Mark Scheme – June 2016