Matthew Dean HEA Senior Fellowship Application
About me DMU Teacher Fellow Programme Leader for BSc Computing Fellow of the HEA Academic Associate of the HEA Module leader Programming Multimedia Project Management A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 K1, K2
Two Strands Teacher Fellow Work Programme Leadership eGrids On-Line Video Programme Leadership BSc Computing Collaborative Provision – widening participation Project Management and Development A1, A2, A3, A4 K1, K2, K3, K4 V1, V2
eGrids Background I wish I could claim some high pedagogic ideal as a starting point for this work New UK Government policies on HE Poor performance in National Student Survey results on assessment and feedback Internal re-structuring New duties High quality feedback is an essential driving force in student learning. (Brown and Knight 1994) A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 K4,
The eGrid Focus on one to one dialogue Evolution of driving tests Spreadsheet served on-line in week 1 Read only access for student Read write access for staff Staff update grid with grades + feedback Lists all marking criteria for all assignments Claims for credit A1, A2, A3, A4 K2, K3, K4 V1
Delivery and Outcomes IICE – Best Paper 2012 International Journal for Digital Society E-Assessment Drop in 2012 FLTC Faculty Away Day 2012 HEA – Begin to Teach 2014 PGCertHE e-Assessment Session Direct impact on practice for other modules A2, A5 K2, K3, K4 V3
Video Recording Started work on this in 2008 Screen capture classes in real time Quick and easy approach Module material made available in advance Students with disabilities Students with limited English skills Students who miss classes Those who are late for classes Students with poor note taking skills Options to learn both before and after the live session Staff sickness Support for module staff A1, A2, A4 K2, K3, K4 V1
Delivery and Outcomes 2008 – APD Open Sessions directly inspired other work in a similar vein Research fed into Panopto bid Journal - International Journal of Arts & Sciences Faculty ELT Symposium 2013 “I have recently watched your video on the CELT website about lecture recording via Microsoft encoder. It was really helpful and as a result I have now had the software installed and I am starting to use this in my teaching.” A2, A4, A5 K2, K4
Is it any good? Module evaluation & SSCC The Student Learning Survey Value to learning out of 5 Is something essential to learning? Very useful tool for reflection on practice E.g. 85% pro – 15% negative re on-line video A1, A4, A5 K3, K4, K5, K6 V1, V3
BSc Computing
BSc Computing Then (4 years ago)… Now In need of work when I took it on Now Good NSS results Healthy recruitment Important part of curriculum for other programmes in subject group Modern technology and practice A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 K1, K2 V1, V2
Project Management and Development Distillation of previous work eGrids Video Problem Based Learning Employability Business Cards SCRUM Teams Test Driven Development Leicester College Project (What is going on in the real world?) MA in Education Practice A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6 V1, V2, V3, V4