Flame test colors Ca Ba Li Sr Na Cu K
He Ne Ar Kr Xe
Produced by spectrometers that disperse white light into colors Diffraction grating Composed of a large number of close, equally spaced slits for analyzing light source Produced by spectrometers that disperse white light into colors
The lenses of “rainbow” glasses are diffraction gratings The lenses of “rainbow” glasses are diffraction gratings. Looking through them causes light to separate into its color components. The spectral patterns seen from light sources such as fireworks and neon signs emit a distinct number of discontinuous colors and do not show all the colors of the rainbow. The spectral patterns from these light sources are the atomic spectra of elements heated in the light sources.
Lamps of a chandelier seen through diffraction-grating glasses.
Incandescent bulb has a continuous spectrum Hydrogen Sodium Mercury