Practice Transformation Project (PTP) Elizabeth Rolon, MPH, CHES
What is Practice Transformation? A continuous process of bringing systems in a physician practice to fully support quality improvement and patient-centered care. Source: Adapted from “Natural History of Practice Transformation: Development and Initial Testing of an Outcomes-Based Model.” Ann Fam Med May/June 2013 vol. 11 no. 3 212-219
Intent, Goal, and Desired Outcome of PTP To increase the size and strength of the HIV clinical workforce and to improve outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum Goal: To transform selected clinical practices and to build the capacity of the selected organizations to provide quality HIV care Desired Outcome: As a result of participation in the AETC PT Project, targeted clinics will be able to provide quality, comprehensive care and treatment to PLWH as evidenced by progress along the HIV Care Continuum Bazilio-Bellegarde, J., Doshi, R., and Ross, P. (2015). Practice transformation project: AIDS Education and Training Centers. Presentation delivered at AETC Reverse Site Visit Meeting on November 18, 2015.
Components of the AETC PTP 4-year project Clinics include RW Funded and 330-Funded Clinics Total of 78 clinics Baseline Organizational Needs Assessment PT Lead Coordinators involved in National Practice Transformation Community of Learning
Successes and Challenges Buy in and willingness of clinics to participate