HIV Cross-Part Care Continuum Collaborative (H4C) About H4C & the H4C Faculty Health IT Assessment Survey n = 60 The HIV Cross-Part Care Continuum Collaborative (H4C) engages five states identified by the HIV/AIDS Bureau with the potential for measurable improvements: Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Ohio. H4C involves grantees from all Ryan White Part funding sources in these five states and will benefit regional teams focusing on viral load suppression while fostering a quality infrastructure built to self-sustain their efforts beyond the formal HAB/NQC sponsorship of the Collaborative. The formal aims of H4C are to: Build regional capacity for closing gaps across the HIV Care Continuum to ultimately increase viral load suppression rates for individuals living with HIV Align quality management goals across all Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts to jointly meet legislative quality management mandates Implement joint quality improvement activities to advance the quality of care for people living with HIV within a region and to coordinate HIV services seamlessly across Parts HAB Faculty NQC Faculty Laura Cheever, MD ScM Bruce Agins, MD MPH HAB Associate Administrator AIDS Institute Medical Director Tracy Matthews, MHA RN Clemens Steinbock, MBA CAPT – USPHS NQC Director Marlene Matosky, MPH RN Michael Hager, MPH MA Nurse Consultant/Quality Specialist Collaborative Manager Rupali Doshi, MD MS Lori DeLorenzo, RN MSN Medical Officer Coach of Coaches HAB Project Officers Hazel Lever, BA Project Assistance NQC Coaches