SUBSTITUTION Grade 7/Unit 2 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: What changed as a result of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will watch a video as a class and take notes. This video will address the problems with the Articles of Confederation that led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution. Featured Source: Discovery Education Featured Tech Tools: Computer or laptop with internet access Projector Steps: 1) Watch the short video, and write a one paragraph summary of the video. Teacher Name: Charles Stickell School: Calcasieu Parish Alternative Site Email Address: Special Considerations: Teacher will need to log-in to Discovery Ed in order to view and downloard video Assessment: (Formative) Student summary
AUGMENTATION Grade 7/Unit 2 Formative Performance Task 2 Topic: What changed as a result of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will compete with classmates to answer questions on to see who is better prepared. Great way to get feedback in order to see how much you know! Steps: Go to a computer station. Log-in with your username and password. Open up the Google Chrome browser. Locate the Google search bar and enter the following url: Type in the code that the teacher has written on the board in order to join game. Begin the game …have fun! Featured Tech Tools: Computer/device with internet access Featured Source: Teacher Name: Charles Stickell School: Calcasieu Parish Alternative Site Email Address: Special Considerations: a)Teacher will need free account on b) follow link from Tech Tools on “task card” c) click button to play live d) This will generate a code that the students will use to access the game Assessment: (Formative) Quiz Results
MODIFICATION Grade 7/Unit 2 Formative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION Topic: What changed as a result of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will collaborate within this class to build a Google Slide that has two questions with correct answer from content in this chapter. Steps: Go through your notes and come up with one question/answer about how our country changed with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Find a primary or secondary source and pull a question from that source. Either: A) go to the Library of Congress and find one source. Read over the source and develop a question. B) Go to the bookshelf and use either a text-book or another relevant book as your source. Develop a question that can be answered using this source. Then, log-in to a computer, go to Google Slides. Find the slide that has your student number…DO NOT EDIT ANY OTHER SLIDE! Type your questions and answers on your slide. Label one question (Notes). For your other question, either type the url for your source, or cite your source to allow others to know what source you used. Featured Source: Google Slides Library of Congress ( Featured Tech Tools: Computers/device with internet access Teacher Name: Charles Stickell School: Calcasieu Parish Alternative Site Email Address: Special Considerations: Ensure you have a Google account. 1) go to 2)Click button “Go to Google Slides” 3) Under “Start New Presentation” click the button “+blank” 4) Click the “share” button located on the top right corner of your screen 5) click where it says “get shareable link” 6) Copy link and either write on board or post to your students in blackboard or use: mine was 7)This will provide the link that will allow the students to access the Google Slide that they will work on as a class. (Note you will need to create a presentation and link for each class that you teach) Hint* You can use to create a short version of the urls. Assessment: Student Work (Formative)
REDEFINITION Grade 7/Unit 2 Summative Performance Task 4 REDEFINITION Topic: What changed as a result of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will answer questions from another class’s Google Slide. You will need to use the link/citations in order to find the answers. Steps: Log into a computer. Open your browser and go to the link to a Google Slide from another class Go to the slide that corresponds to your student number. Use the provided links/citations to find the answers to the questions provided. Answer each of the questions using complete sentences (Be sure and put the answer in your own words…do not plagiarize.) After answering each question, write feedback addressing whether the question was too easy, slightly difficult, or very hard to answer. Also, state if the question was hard to comprehend. 7. Tomorrow you will check the answers to the questions that you posted yesterday. You will also be able to read feedback about your questions. We will make any needed changes, print, and use this as a supplement to our study guide. Selected questions will be on the test. Featured Source: Google Slides Featured Tech Tools: Computers/device with internet access Teacher Name: Charles Stickell School: Calcasieu Parish Alternative Site Email Address: Special Considerations: 1) go to 2)Click button “Go to Google Slides” 3) Under “Start New Presentation” click the button “+blank” 4) Click the “share” button located on the top right corner of your screen 5) click where it says “get shareable link” 6) Copy link and write on the board (You may post to BlackBoard to help students access it.) Here is my example: (, but you will need to create your own for each class. This will allow them to edit. 7) The link is what provides access to the Google slide that they will work on as a class. Assessment: Student answers can be checked for accuracy. However, I intend to use this as prep/study-guide for the summative assessment.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Charles Stickell Louisiana Social Studies Standard (include description): Standard 2: Revolution and the New Nation Students analyze the impact of key events, ideas, and people on the economic, political, and social development of the United States from 1763–1800. Standard 5: Geography Skills Students analyze physical and political geography that influenced the growth of the United States from 1763– 1877 using maps, charts, graphs, databases, and other technological tools Standard 8: Government: Purposes, Foundation, and Structure Students understand the purposes, foundation, and structure of the United States government. Standard 9: Global Awareness Students develop an understanding of United States foreign policy from 1763–1877 by evaluating the influence of key historic events, people, and ideas. Standard 10: Civic Literacy Students examine the roles, rights, and responsibilities of citizenship in order to develop civic literacy Standard 11: Resources, Interdependence, and Decision-Making Students examine the development and interdependence of the United States economy from 1763–1877. What changed as a result of the ratification of the U.S. Constitution? Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will answer questions from another class’s Google Slide. You will need to use the link/citations in order to find the answers. Google Slides Computer or laptop with internet access You will collaborate within this class to build a Google Slide that has two questions with correct answer from content in this chapter. Library of Congress Website You will compete with classmates to answer questions on to see who is better prepared. Great way to get feedback in order to see how much you know! You will watch a video as a class and take notes. This video will address the problems with the Articles of Confederation that led to the creation of the U.S. Constitution. Discovery Education Projector REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.