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Final Jeopardy Round 1
European Exploration European Exploration European Exploration Early Cultures Early Cultures Early Cultures $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
$200 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in the Great Plains region of North America
$200 Who are Sioux or Lakota? Scores
$400 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in the southwestern portion of the United States
$400 Who are Pueblo? Scores
$600 These American Indians (First Americans) lived where the temperature was below freezing much of the year
$600 Who are Inuit? Scores
$800 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in the Pacific Northwest coastal area
$800 Who are Kwakiutl? Scores
$1000 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in the northeastern portion of the United States
$1000 Who are Iroquois? Scores
$200 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in the Eastern Woodlands of the United States
$200 Who are Iroquois? Scores
Daily Double
$400 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in a desert area of the United States
$400 Who are Pueblo? Scores
$600 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in a rainy, mild climate in the United States
$600 Who are Kwakiutl? Scores
$800 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in a dry, grasslands area of the United States
$800 Who are Sioux or Lakota? Scores
$1000 These American Indians (First Americans) lived in a heavily forested area in the United States
$1000 Who are Iroquois? Scores
$200 These two things most affected how American Indians (First Americans) met their basic needs
What are geography and climate? $200 What are geography and climate? Scores
$400 Three ways American Indians (First Americans) obtained most of their food
What are hunting, fishing, and harvesting crops? $400 What are hunting, fishing, and harvesting crops? Scores
$600 Two things American Indians (First Americans) used to make their clothing
What are animal skins and plants? $600 What are animal skins and plants? Scores
What American Indians (First Americans) used to make shelter $800 What American Indians (First Americans) used to make shelter
What are the resources of the environment? $800 What are the resources of the environment? Scores
Three economic motivating forces for European exploration $1000 Three economic motivating forces for European exploration
$1000 What are Spread religion (God) Economic: natural resources/ trade (gold) 3. Power: Empire building (glory)? Scores
The religious motivating force for European exploration $200 The religious motivating force for European exploration
What is spreading of Christianity? $200 What is spreading of Christianity? Scores
$400 Two things created competition among European nations thus promoting exploration
$400 What are the desire for an empire and the belief that their culture was superior? Scores
Daily Double
Four obstacles to European exploration $600 Four obstacles to European exploration
$600 What are poor maps & navigational tools, lack of adequate supplies, disease & starvation, and fear of the unknown? Scores
Three accomplishments of European exploration $800 Three accomplishments of European exploration
$800 What are exchanged ideas & goods (trade), improved navigation tools & ships, and claimed territory? Scores
This European country established trading posts in North America $1000 This European country established trading posts in North America
$1000 What is France? Scores
$200 This European country claimed land, established settlements, and traded with the American Indians (First Americans)
$200 What is England? Scores
John Cabot explored for this European country $400 John Cabot explored for this European country
$400 What is England? Scores
This area of North America was explored by John Cabot $600 This area of North America was explored by John Cabot
$600 What is Eastern Canada? Scores
Francisco Coronado explored for this European country $800 Francisco Coronado explored for this European country
$800 What is Spain? Scores
Samuel de Champlain settled North America for this European country $1000 Samuel de Champlain settled North America for this European country
$1000 What is France? Scores
$200 The place in North America where Samuel de Champlain start a settlement
$200 What is Quebec? Scores
Robert La Salle explored for this European country $400 Robert La Salle explored for this European country
$400 What is France? Scores
Robert La Salle claimed this area of the United States for France $600 Robert La Salle claimed this area of the United States for France
What is Mississippi River Valley? $600 What is Mississippi River Valley? Scores
This area of the United States was explored by Francisco Coronado $800 This area of the United States was explored by Francisco Coronado
$800 What is Southwest? Scores
This region of the world was explored by the Portuguese $1000 This region of the world was explored by the Portuguese
$1000 What is West Africa? Scores
Final Jeopardy Question European Exploration Final Jeopardy Question Scores
This European country enslaved the American Indians (First Americans)
What is Spain? Scores