Edo Period in Japan 1603-1868
Background History (Pre-Edo Period) In its early history Japan was not a unified country as it is today The country was ruled by a central emperor, but his power was weak Japan was divided into hundreds of different regions, each under the command of a war lord (Daimyo). The Daimyos were constantly at war with each other, trying to increase their land holdings and power.
1603 – The Edo Period Begins! After decades of fighting, in 1600 the Daimyo Tokogawa Ieyasu defeated the Western Daimyo’s – giving him control over most of Japan Once in power he established the new position of Shogun (Bakufu - military leader) AKA Ruler of Daimyo
1603 – The Edo Period Begins! Ieyasu established the Tokugawa Shogunate (Military Government) which gave him more power than the emperor and allowed his family to rule Japan for over 250 years Daimyo power was based on how closely they were related to the Tokogawa clan This time period became known as “The Edo Period” Edo was the Capital City of the Shogunate (Modern day Tokyo)
Life in the Edo Period The Edo Period is often characterized by the following: Lasting peace & unity Feudal Society Importance of Honor & Duty National Isolation Great Cultural Growth