Segregation in America
Chapter 20 Section 1 Challenging Segregation
In the North, the pattern of urban life often resulted in de facto segregation which is segregation in fact though not by law.
As African Americans moved to Northern cities, white people moved to suburbs.
School districts were drawn so that they included black neighborhoods or white ones.
This essentially segregated the races (without having to actually create segregation laws).
The Segregation System
Baseball was integrated. Society was not. People were asking why not.
Segregated schools was the most controversial issue at hand.
In the early 1950s, 17 states prohibited blacks and whites from attending school together.
But, in 1950, the Supreme Court handed down three decisions in a single day that sent the U.S. in a new direction….
1) Railroad dining cars operating in the South now had to provide equal service to all travelers, regardless of race
2) Black students could not be segregated within a school also attended by whites
3) “Intangible factors”, not just buildings or books, had to be considered when comparing the education provided for blacks and whites
Brown v Board of Education Write a summary – what was it all about?