Mark W. Lipsey Vanderbilt University Session 2: Specifying the Conceptual and Operational Models and the Research Questions that Follow Mark W. Lipsey Vanderbilt University IES/NCER Summer Research Training Institute, 2008
Workshop on randomized controlled trials Purpose: Increasing capacity to develop and conduct rigorous evaluations of the effectiveness of education interventions Caveat: “Rigorous evaluations” are not appropriate for every intervention or every research project involving an intervention They require special resources (funding, amenable circumstances, expertise, time) They can produce misleading or uninformative results if not done well The preconditions for making them meaningful may not be met.
Critical preconditions for rigorous evaluation A well-specified, fully developed intervention with useful scope basis in theory and prior research identified target population specification of intended outcomes/effects “theory of change” explication of what it does and why it should have the intended effects for the intended population operators’ manual: complete instructions for implementing ready-to-go materials, training procedures, software, etc.
Critical preconditions for rigorous evaluation (continued) A plausible rationale that the intervention is needed; reason to believe it has advantages over what’s currently proven and available Clarity about the relevant counterfactual– what it is supposed to be better than Demonstrated “implementability”– can be implemented well enough in practice to plausibly have effects Some evidence that it can produce the intended effects albeit short of standards for rigorous evaluation
Critical preconditions for rigorous evaluation (continued) Amenable research sites and circumstances: cooperative schools, teachers, parents, and administrators willing to participate student sample appropriate in terms of representativeness and size for showing educationally meaningful effects access to students (e.g., for testing), records, classrooms (e.g., for observations)
IES funding categories Goal 2 (intervention development) for advancing intervention concepts to the point where rigorous evaluation of its effects may be justified Goal 3 (efficacy studies) for determining whether an intervention can produce worthwhile effects; RCT evaluations preferred. Goal 4 (effectiveness studies) for investigating the effects of an intervention implemented under realistic conditions at scale; RCT evaluations preferred.
Specifying the theory of change embodied in the intervention Nature of the need addressed what and for whom (e.g., 2nd grade students who don’t read well) why (e.g., poor decoding skills, limited vocabulary) where the issues addressed fit in the developmental progression (e.g., prerequisites to fluency and comprehension, assumes concepts of print) rationale/evidence supporting these specific intervention targets at this particular time
Specifying the theory of change How the intervention addresses the need and why it should work content: what the student should know or be able to do; why this meets the need pedagogy: instructional techniques and methods to be used; why appropriate delivery system: how the intervention will arrange to deliver the instruction Most important: What aspects of the above are different from the counterfactual condition What are the key factors or core ingredients most essential and distinctive to the intervention
Logic models as theory schematics Target Population Intervention Proximal Outcomes Distal Outcomes Positive attitudes to school 4 year old pre-K children Exposed to intervention Improved pre-literacy skills Increased school readiness Greater cognitive gains in K Learn appropriate school behavior
Mapping variables onto the intervention theory: Sample characteristics Positive attitudes to school 4 year old pre-K children Exposed to intervention Improved pre-literacy skills Increased school readiness Greater cognitive gains in K Learn appropriate school behavior Sample descriptors: basic demographics diagnostic, need/eligibility identification nuisance factors (for variance control) Potential moderators: setting, context personal and family characteristics prior experience
Mapping variables onto the intervention theory: Intervention characteristics Positive attitudes to school 4 year old pre-K children Exposed to intervention Improved pre-literacy skills Increased school readiness Greater cognitive gains in K Learn appropriate school behavior Independent variable: T vs. C experimental condition Generic fidelity: T and C exposure to the generic aspects of the intervention (type, amount, quality) Specific fidelity: T and C(?) exposure to distinctive aspects of the intervention (type, amount, quality) Potential moderators: characteristics of personnel intervention setting, context e.g., class size
Mapping variables onto the intervention theory: Intervention outcomes Positive attitudes to school 4 year old pre-K children Exposed to intervention Improved pre-literacy skills Increased school readiness Greater cognitive gains in K Learn appropriate school behavior Focal dependent variables: pretests (pre-intervention) posttests (at end of intervention) follow-ups (lagged after end of intervention Other dependent variables: construct controls– related DVs not expected to be affected side effects– unplanned positive or negative outcomes mediators– DVs on causal pathways from intervention to other DVs
Main relationships of (possible) interest Causal relationship between IV and DVs (effects of causes); tested as T-C differences Duration of effects post-intervention; growth trajectories Moderator relationships; ATIs (aptitude-Tx interactions): differential T effects for different subgroups; tested as T x M interactions or T-C differences between subgroups Mediator relationships: stepwise causal relationship with effect on one DV causing effect on another; tested via Baron & Kenny (1986), SEM type techniques.
Formulation of the research questions Organized around key variables and relationships Specific with regard to the nature of the variables and relationships Supported with a rationale for why the question is important to answer Connected to real-world education issues What works, for whom, under what circumstances, how, and why?
Session 3: Describing and Quantifying Outcomes Mark W. Lipsey Vanderbilt University IES/NCER Summer Research Training Institute, 2008
Outcome constructs to measure Identifying the relevant outcome constructs follows from the theory development and other considerations covered earlier in Session 2 What: proximal/mediating and distal outcomes When: temporal status– baseline, immediate outcome, longer term outcomes What else: possible positive or negative side effects construct control outcomes not targeted for change
Policy relevant outcomes Aligning the outcome constructs and measures with the intervention and policy objectives Instruction Assessment Policy relevant outcomes (e.g., state achievement standards)
Alignment of instructional tasks with the assessment tasks Identical Instructional tasks, activities, content Analogous (near transfer) Generalized (far transfer)
Basic psychometric issues Validity (typically correlation with established measures or subgroup differences) Reliability (typically internal consistency or test-retest correlation) standardized measures of established validity and reliability researcher developed measures with validity and reliability demonstrated in prior research new measures with validity and/or reliability to be investigated in present study
Special issue for intervention studies: sensitivity to change
Achievement effect sizes from 97 randomized education studies Type of Outcome Measure Mean Effect Size Number of Measures Standardized test, broad .09 29 Standardized test, narrow .32 127 Focal topic test, mastery test .50 263
Data from which measurement sensitivity can be inferred Observed effects from other intervention studies using the measure Mean effect sizes and their standard deviations from meta-analysis Longitudinal research and descriptive research showing change over time or differences between relevant criterion groups Archival data allowing ad hoc analysis of, e.g., change over time, differences between groups Pilot data on change over time or group differences with the measure
Variance control and measurement sensitivity Variance control via procedural consistency and statistical control using covariates for e.g., pre-intervention individual differences and differences in testing procedures or conditions
Issues related to multiple outcome measures
Correlated measures: overlap and efficiency Factor Analysis of Preschool Outcome Variables Subtest Factor Loadings Pre-K Pretest Posttest Kindergarten Follow-up Letter Word Identification Quantitative Concepts Applied Problems Picture Vocabulary Oral Comprehension Story Recall .60 .82 .75 .53 .69 .80 .76 .79 .55 .73 .78 .67 .74 .61
Correlated change may be even more relevant Factor Analysis of Gain Scores for Pre-K Outcomes Subtest Factor Loadings Pre to Post Post to Follow-up Basic School Skills Letter Word Identification Quantitative Concepts Applied Problems Complex Language Picture Vocabulary Oral Comprehension Story Recall .74 -.19 .66 .14 .54 .08 .09 .77 .16 .75 -.08 .37 .73 -.06 .70 .06 .47 .16 .14 .48 .17 .72 -.16 .68 .79 -.15 .74 .13 .40 .41 -.04 .74 .13 .69 -.01 .37
Handling multiple correlated outcome measures Pruning– try to avoid measures that have high conceptual overlap and are likely to have relatively large intercorrelations Procedural– organize assessment and data collection to combine where possible for efficiency Analytic create composite variables to use in the analysis use multivariate techniques like MANOVA to examine omnibus effects as context for univariate effects use latent variable analysis, e.g., in SEM
Practicality and appropriateness to the circumstances Feasibility– time and resources required Respondent burden– minimize demands, provide incentives/compensation Developmental appropriateness– consider not only age but performance level, possible ceiling and floor effect For follow-up beyond one school year, may need measures designed for a broad age span to maintain comparability May need to tailor measures or assessment procedures for special populations (disabilities, English language learners)