Nationalism Various nationalist groups were trying to win the right to self-determination. This nationalism was a threat to multinational empires such as Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman. Russia supports pan-Slavic movement
Nationalism Germany proud of new industrialization and military power French bitter over losing Alsace and Lorraine Balkan region – Powder Keg – ethnic groups in the Balkans calling for independence
Imperialism The search for colonies overseas pushed European nations to the brink of war.
Imperialism Germany and Italy trying to play catch-up to Britain and France who had many colonial possessions 1905 and 1911 Germany and France nearly go to war over colonies in North Africa
Militarism Militarism is the policy of glorifying war and keeping an army prepared for war. Each of the Great Powers of Europe were stressing their military might prior to the war.
Militarism Arms race – Germany and Britain fighting for superiority in naval capacity
Alliances Before WWI, growing mistrust among the European nations led to the creation of several military alliances. These were designed to prevent war, but in effect they brought Europe closer to war.
Alliances Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans Allied Powers: Britain, France, and Russia
International Anarchy Prior to WWI, the global community lacked any international forum to deal with conflicts between nations.
Anarchy Nobel Peace Prize set up to reward those working toward peace At this time there is no United Nations and no forum for settling disputes
Crisis Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist, assassinated the heir to the Austrian throne in an effort create a “Greater Serbia.”
Crisis Assassination occurs in Sarajevo, Bosnia (region controlled by Austria) Bosnia-Herzegovena contained many ethnic Serbs Serbs were part of a Pan-Slavic movement to bring all Slavic people under one government