2015.11.14.Sat Soongsil Univ. Finance 20150054 황수정
01 02 03 Index 5 Hottest Most Important My opinion Issues WorldWide Korea
01 Korea 5 Hottest Issues Index 청년 실업 일본 환율 ↓ 면세점 전쟁 서민 부채 심각 전세난
World Wide 5 Hottest Issues 01 World Wide 5 Hottest Issues 유가 하락 미국금리인상 본격화 폭스바겐 배출량 조작 중국 성장률 주춤 TPP 체결
USA is likely to raise the Interest Rate. 02 The Most Important Issues USA is likely to raise the Interest Rate.
The Most Important Issues : WHY? 02 The Most Important Issues : WHY? Era of Globalization Strongest Nation Korean Fund Outflow
USA is likely to raise the Interest Rate. 02 The Most Important Issues : USA is likely to raise the Interest Rate. Unemployment 2010 2015 July to August + 143,000 people Wage Growing Rate 2.5%p ↑Annual rate 15 % → 5 %
USA is likely to raise the Interest Rate. 02 The Most Important Issues : USA is likely to raise the Interest Rate. Inflation
My opinion Remind ‘ Era of Globalization’ 03 Although raising the interest rate has many risks, Will USA get serious hurts? Recession of most of countries , Especially China and Europe However, It is certain that Korea would get the damage. Remind ‘ Era of Globalization’
Sources Index Appendix http://blog.naver.com/neo444/110158939134 http://blog.naver.com/lie2015/220524186524 http://blog.naver.com/airtelinside/90165291667 http://www.sportsworldi.com/content/html/2013/01/08/20130108021980.html http://blog.naver.com/shinyjjj/220433097587 http://auto.naver.com/car/image.nhn?yearsId=10090&selectIndex=82 http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=2085583&cid=48591&categoryId=48591 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/06/economy-adds-271000-jobs-in-october-unemployment-rate-at-5-percent/ https://data.oecd.org http://iluvmagic.tistory.com/1593#.VkavwCahe1M Index http://blog.naver.com/shinyjjj/220348231964 http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2015/11/06/0200000000AKR20151106001200071.HTML?input=1195m http://www.enewstoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=427898 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg