Technical Proficiency GAA Award 2 YOUTH ADULT 240 minutes (4 hours) GAA Award 2 Children Technical Proficiency
GAA Award 2 Children Technical Proficiency Outcomes By the end of the session you will be able to: Set up a skill demonstration using the IDEAL model Progress a number of skills through a whole (Game) part (Skill) whole (Game) approach and part whole part approach Coach by spotting technical deficiencies and applying potential solutions. Reflect on coaching performance under the following headings – planning, organisation, demonstration, observing, analysing, feedback Plan and deliver how the coach will deliver coaching skills to the parents and assistant coaches By the end of the session you will be able to: Set up a skill demonstration using the IDEAL model Progress a number of skills through a whole (Game) part (Skill) whole (Game) approach and part whole part approach Coach by spotting technical deficiencies and applying potential solutions. Reflect on coaching performance under the following headings – planning, organisation, demonstration, observing, analysing, feedback GAA Award 2 Children Technical Proficiency
Task 1: Coaching Skills in two ways – 5 minutes Breaking down and Building a Skill In your allocated group decide what the Main differences are between the two approaches below? Whole, Part, Whole is….. Part, Whole, Part is…… Observe, Analyse, Feedback Spot and Correct What? Task: Set the task in group and challenge the coaches to identify the main difference between the two methods. Explain what each method is to avoid confusion. Whole part Whole (Start with the Game, GO INTO THE SKILL, and go back to the Game) Part, whole, part (Start with the skill – go to the game and back to the skills) The challenge is that children do not have the skills to enjoy the full game But games do not have to be full-sided games, they can be target games that involve striking or kicking and counting the outcome against their peers Players pass through various stages in acquiring skills. Time taken to master the skills will vary depending on: the individuals ability and the quality of the coach The skills must flow from simple to complex The skills must be developed quickly into the game to allow decision-making to evolve. GAA Award 2 Children Technical Proficiency
Football Skills at Level 1 – 5 minutes Skills Covered Foundation & Award 1 included Four steps and a bounce Shadowing Body Catch Punt Kick Crouch Lift Hand pass Solo - hand to toe Award 2 SKILLS These are a revision of some but the development of the more complex skills. Take this into the context of children and how and why you would teach the skills outlined: Punt Kick (left & right) Kicking for Distance Evasion Side Step Roll off Swerve High Catch Kicking for Scores Block Tackle
Football Skills for Level 2 – 5 minutes Key Points for Demonstrations Ensure all players can see Avoid distractions behind you Ensure players don’t look into the sun Identify best players to demonstrate Demonstrate whole skill first Demonstrate quickly and at slow pace Ask coaches to observe from different angles Encourage players to focus on the head, hands, feet Demonstrate for both left and right handed/footed players IDEA Principle Introduce Demonstrate Explain Action New Skills Punt revisited Kicking for Distance Evasion High Catch Kicking for Scores Blocking Front Tackle Side Tackle Key Points for Explanation Ensure that you can be heard by all players Speak with breeze to your back Use simple, age appropriate language Brief, simple and direct Avoid sarcasm and annoying mannerisms Revisit the IDEAL Principle Address the new skills Address the skills the coach needs to deliver the technical element to children Address the skills the coach needs to deliver the technical element to parents and assistant coaches in his club
Spot and Fix – Technical Football Punt Pass
Spot and Fix – Technical -Football Kick for Distance
Spot and Fix – Technical Football Evasion – side step, swerve, roll off
Spot and Fix – Technical Skills High Catch
Spot and Fix – Technical Skills Kicking For Scores
Spot and Fix – Technical Football Front Tackle
Spot and Fix – Technical Football Side Tackle
Spot and Fix – Technical Football Block
Hurling Skills at Level 1 – 5 minutes Skills Covered Foundation and Award 1 included Grip Swing Lift Catch Strike from Hand Block down
Hurling Skills for Level 2 – 5 minutes Key Points for Demonstrations Ensure all players can see Avoid distractions behind you Ensure players don’t look into the sun Identify best players to demonstrate Demonstrate whole skill first Demonstrate quickly and at slow pace Ask coaches to observe from different angles Encourage players to focus on the head, hands, feet Demonstrate for both left and right handed/footed players IDEAL Principle Introduce Demonstrate Explain Action New Skills Hook Hand pass Roll lift Grip & Swing Lift High Catch Strike from Hand Block down Key Points for Explanation Ensure that you can be heard by all players Speak with breeze to your back Use simple, age appropriate language Brief, simple and direct Avoid sarcasm and annoying mannerisms IDEA Principle Introduce Demonstrate Explain Action New Skills Hook Hand pass Roll lift Grip & Swing Lift Catch Strike from Hand Block down Head, Hands, Feet Focus on position of HHF when executing skills GAA Award 2 Children Technical Proficiency
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling Hook
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling Hand pass
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling Roll Lift
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling Lift
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling Grip and Swing
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling High Catch
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling Strike From the Hand
Sport and Fix Technical Hurling Block Down
Task 2 : Football Skills – 90 minutes Take a 15 minute session with the group Using the skill allocated and referring to your prompt card, familiarise yourself with the coaching points (the how to do the skill). Follow the IDEA model and coach the skill to the group. Set up an appropriate activity to allow participants to practice – coach the skill as they practice. Develop two progressions with the group. Tutor Debrief Provision of Prompt Cards for New Skills Take a 15 minute session with the group Using the skill allocated and referring to your prompt card, familiarise yourself with the coaching points (the how to do the skill). Follow the IDEA model and coach the skill to the group. Set up an appropriate activity to allow participants to practice – coach the skill as they practice. Develop two progressions with the group. Tutor Debrief
Task 2: Hurling Skills – 90 minutes Take a 15 minute session with the group Using the skill allocated and referring to your prompt card, familiarise yourself with the coaching points (the how to do the skill). Follow the IDEA model and coach the skill to the group. Set up an appropriate activity to allow participants to practice – coach the skill as they practice. Develop two progressions with the group. Provision of Prompt Cards for New Skills Take a 15 minute session with the group Using the skill allocated and referring to your prompt card, familiarise yourself with the coaching points (the how to do the skill). Follow the IDEA model and coach the skill to the group. Set up an appropriate activity to allow participants to practice – coach the skill as they practice. Develop two progressions with the group.
The OTú Model – Technical Proficiency What do we mean by Technical Proficiency? Know what to do Be able to perform the techniques of the game Accurately Consistently At Match Tempo Tutor Notes: Technical Proficiency – Tutor to ask what we mean by Technical Proficiency? Can be a Tutor Led Discussion, or Flip Chart Group Work. Use Definition – ‘The Ability to Perform the Underlying Techniques of the Game accurately, consistently and at match tempo’ The slide can be used as a summary definition for the participants.
How can Technical Proficiency be developed? Review of Award 1 – Technical Proficiency Simulated Practices Full Match How can Technical Proficiency be developed? Individual Practices Skill Drills Modified Games Tutor Notes: Review of the Award 1 materials Tutor Led Discussion/Flip Chart Group Work to identify the different types of activity that can be used to develop Technical Proficiency. Tutor to use this slide as back up/summary slide once feedback has been noted from each group/discussion. The Skill Development Model Document should be used as support for the Tutor. Conditioned Games Against a Wall
Award 2 Technical Proficiency Scoring Skills Punt Kick (Left or Right) Hook Kick (Left or Right) Swerve Kick (Left or Right) Ground Strike (Left or Right) Drop Kick (Left or Right) Play it in the air with the open hand (Left or Right) Fist Pass (Left or Right) Others? Defensive/Tackling Skills Shoulder to Shoulder Charge Near Hand Tackle Block Down Shadow Others? Evasion Skills Roll Sidestep Dummy Change of Speed Others? Tutor Note: Tutors can use the above to sum up. 28 Presentation title in footer 28
The Wheel of Technical Proficiency: Scoring Playing Rules Team Mates Technique/ Rhythm Body Alignment Accuracy Confidence Conditions Scoring Power Timing Tutor Note: Tutor Led Important components of Scoring. Some of these are internal to the player (within the wheel) and performance of the skill and some are external and related to the environment or team mates/opponents (surrounding the wheel). Are these any different for Evasion or Tackling Skills? Are there other influences not identified here? Speed Philosophy Opponents
The Wheel of Technical Proficiency: Evasion Playing Rules Team Mates Technique/ Rhythm Body Alignment Accuracy Confidence Conditions Evasion Power Timing Tutor Note: Are these any different for Evasion or Tackling Skills? Speed Philosophy Opponents
The Wheel of Technical Proficiency: Defensive/Tackling Playing Rules Team Mates Technique/ Rhythm Body Alignment Defensive/ Tackling Confidence Conditions Accuracy Power Tutor Note: Are these any different for Evasion or Tackling Skills? Timing Speed Philosophy Opponents
Task 3 – Delivery to Parents and Coaches Coaching Parents – to coach children Key Points Keep it Simple Give them a little to do Use the Prompt cards Set the area up Small number of children Circulate and support Give them 2 coaching points to focus on Task: How would you deliver coaching skills to parents? As the coaches are working to develop coaching and games in their club at level 2, we need to challenge them as to how they will introduce the skills to parents and assistant coaches. They should try to: Keep it Simple Give them a little to do Use the Prompt cards Set the area up Small number of children Circulate and support Give them 2 coaching points to focus on
Outcomes By the end of the session you will be able to: Set up a skill demonstration using the IDEAL model Progress a number of skills through a whole (Game) part (Skill) whole (Game) approach and part whole part approach Coach by spotting technical deficiencies and applying potential solutions. Reflect on coaching performance under the following headings – planning, organisation, demonstration, observing, analysing, feedback By the end of the session you will be able to: Set up a skill demonstration using the IDEAL model Progress a number of skills through a whole (Game) part (Skill) whole (Game) approach and part whole part approach Coach by spotting technical deficiencies and applying potential solutions. Reflect on coaching performance under the following headings – planning, organisation, demonstration, observing, analysing, feedback