Plants are a diverse group of organisms.


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Presentation transcript:

Plants are a diverse group of organisms. Plants come in all shapes, all sizes, and found in all environments.

Plants share common characteristics Autotrophs Vacuoles Multi-cellular Eukaryotes: Nucleus Cell walls 2-Stage life cycles Photosynthesis

Monday 2/25: After you retake your Quiz: Read The Case of the Tree Hit Man on the Plant Resource Page. Big Question: How do water and food (sugars) move through a plant? Identify Key Vocabulary and Answer the Question Fill in your Cornell Notes

Tuesday: Do Plants Pass Gas Lab? Put your stuff at your desk in the middle. Find your Lab Table/Group. You will need your laptop. Decide on jobs for your group members. Materials Manager Recorder Solution Maker/Safety Monitor Label Maker/ Time Keeper

Do Plants Pass Gas Lab and Discussion? Photosynthesis/Respiration

Objective Questions What materials do plants need in order to carry out photosynthesis? What type of food do plants produce? How do plants get the energy from the food they produce?

Giant Sequoia Probe Where did most of the matter that makes up the wood and leaves of this huge tree originally come from?

SECURITY!!! YOU MUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AS WE GO!! BTB is a chemical and should be treated with care. Splash Googles need to be on and you should avoid getting it on you. Report Spills or issues to Mrs. Spence immediately! DO NOT DRINK SOLUTION!!

DO NOT DRINK/INHALE through STRAW!! Procedure: Materials Manager obtain materials. Mrs. Spence will add drops of BTB to cups of water. Record observations of cups before blowing into the cups. Solution Maker should exhale slowly through straw into cup of water and BTB until it turns green. DO NOT DRINK/INHALE through STRAW!! 5. What happened? Why?

6. Label Maker, make labels and place on vials 1-3. 7 6. Label Maker, make labels and place on vials 1-3. 7. Fill 3/4 way with green water. Put one sprig of Elodea in Vial #1 and #2. Vial #3 is just water. 8. Record observations and put vials in correct locations. 9. Sit back down and open Plant Cornell Notes.

Objective Questions What materials do plants need in order to carry out photosynthesis? What type of food do plants produce? How do plants get the energy from the food they produce? What other questions do you have today?

What materials do plants need? Where do they come from? Water-> Roots Carbon Dioxide -> Leaves, Stomata Sunlight -> Leaves, Chloroplast

How do Plants transport water and other materials? Most Plants have a Vascular System. Vascular System- long tubelike cells that move materials through a plant. ORGAN SYSTEM!!

2 tissues transport materials in the Vascular System Xylem- transport H2O and nutrients up from the roots Little larger than phloem Help support Stores energy Phloem- transport energy and materials down from leaves Help support Stores extras for energy

Another method is called Non-Vascular. Smaller, Simpler Plants will move materials cell by cell. Problem: Not as speedy, so plants cannot grow as big!! Example: Moss

Plants make sugars Photosynthesis- The process that converts the Sun’s energy into sugar or starch for the plant to use as food. Carbon Dioxide + Glucose + Water + Oxygen Sunlight

Plants use sugars Cellular Respiration-The process that converts sugar’s chemical energy into usable energy for plants and animals. Glucose+ Water + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Energy

BTB Background BTB in neutral water BTB in acidic water BLUE BTB is a Ph indicator. Carbon dioxide makes water acidic So what color would BTB and water be if CO2 was in the water? BTB in neutral water BTB in acidic water BLUE Green-Yellow

Photosynthesis: 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + energy  C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 Six molecules of water react with six molecules of carbon dioxide and energy from sunlight to form one molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen.

Chemical Equations for Photosynthesis and Respiration 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + energy  C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 Six molecules of water react with six molecules of carbon dioxide and energy from sunlight to form one molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen. Respiration: C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2  6 H2O + 6 CO2 + energy One molecule of glucose (a type of sugar) reacts with 6 molecules of oxygen to form six molecules of water, six molecules of carbon dioxide, and energy.

Plants release materials through their leaves Gas Exchange- Plants take in carbon dioxide and release carbon dioxide and oxygen. But this also releases water… Transpiration- movement of water vapor out of a plant

Foldable Instructions: -Fold paper hamburger style so that 1 inch is left over on the back. Unfold, then fold in half hot dog style. Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration

What you need to have: Outside Photosynthesis- Right Side Cellular Respiration- Left Side Descriptions of the process in your own words. Equations written at the bottom. Inside Photosynthesis- Right Side Cellular Respiration- Left Side Pictures of the processes happening. Where it takes place (organelle)? Who (Which organisms) would do the process?

Plants respond to their environment. Stimulus- Something that causes a response in an organism or part of the body Plants respond to 3 stimuli: Gravity:“roots grow down, stems grow up” Touch: “tendrils” Light: “auxin”

Plants balance Gas Exchange and Transpiration Ways to keep water in but still get Carbon Dioxide in and Oxygen out: Cuticle- waxy protective layer on leaves and stems. 2. Stomata- openings on the bottom of leaves that close when air is dry keeping water in

Plant parts have special functions. Shoot System System produces sugars and carbohydrates Root System System absorbs water and some minerals

Plants grow throughout their lifetime Stems serve 3 functions Store Food Provide support for the plant’s body Transport materials via the vascular system Soft Stems Woody Stems Soft and flexible stems Strong, tough stems with bark Wildflowers, vegetables Trees, shrubs Die in cold weather Can live through cold winters Tough xylem = “wood”