Welcome to Arts at Ryerson! Course Enrollment Information Session
STEPS TO ENROLLMENT August 12, Log on to RAMSS (my.ryerson.ca) 2.Verify your Enrollment appointment 3.Check your auto enrolled courses & schedule 4.Review the calendar curriculum information 5.Put desired elective classes in Shopping Cart August 13, Finalize your enrollment in courses
Technical Requirements Ryerson provides a list of compatible web browsers for use with RAMSS (if you use a browser NOT listed, there is no guarantee that RAMSS will work properly!): Your browser must be set to allow pop ups: Also, if you encounter any error messages or your windows do not open/load when working in RAMSS, please try clearing your browser cache as per the instructions here:
Step 1: Log on to RAMSS Go to my.ryerson.ca
Enter your username and password. Click on Login
Hours for password changes, etc Access to RAMSS
Weekly Schedule Fee Summary/Balance ($) Personal Info
Step 2: Verify your Enrollment Appointment
Select a term
No terms? Date incorrect? Contact Enrollment Services or Provide your Student ID number
Return to Student Centre main page
Step 3: Check your auto enrolled course & schedule
Make sure you view the correct week. (view week of September 2) Classes begin the day after Labour Day (Tues)
Step 4: Review your curriculum in the online calendar
CHECK ALL RESTRICTIONS You cant take just anything: courses must be listed in your programs curriculum For example: PHL 101 is on the list = OK. PHL 214 is NOT on the list = it will NOT count in your program. Ask if youre not sure
Step 5: Put courses in the Shopping Cart
Select the Fall 2013 Enrollment Term
Use My Classes Offered search tool
Search by My Classes Offered – scroll page
VIEW INFORMATION SECTION Includes: Basic report information A list of currently enrolled, ungraded courses
Check this terms courses This reminds you what term you are viewing The diamond shape means you are already enrolled (In Progress)
Use View All to see the whole list (if > 10 courses on the list)
Use View All to see the regular undergraduate course offerings. Chang School courses may incur extra fees. Select FRE/SPNAvoid CFRE/CSPN
Select a class section Scroll to the appropriate requirement Select a course to get the details TIP: Use View All
Selecting a class section Check requirements Read the description
Check times against current schedule Select the section you want TIP: Use View All
Add the class section to your Shopping Cart
Validate the class(es) (Checks for conflicts – you are NOT yet actually enrolling)
Potential Problems: Schedule conflict – choose a different section/time Pre-/Co-/Anti-requisite requirements – choose a different course Course not open to your program at this time (seats are reserved for students for whom this is a required course)
Delete invalid courses from Shopping Cart and look for others.
Unable to Display courses Sometimes the My Classes Offered tool cannot show the list. What does this mean? These courses are not offered in the term you selected OR The list has many restrictions and exceptions, like Liberal Studies
If selections are not displayed: 1.Return to Add Classes to Shopping Cart, change to the Winter term, use My Classes Offered again. 2.If your courses show now, they are only offered in the Winter semester.
If there are no selections showing for Fall or Winter: Use Class Search to find a specific course for Fall Term and add it to your Shopping Cart. MAKE SURE THE COURSE YOU CHOOSE IS PART OF YOUR PROGRAMS CURRICULUM!!
Add all class sections to Shopping Cart; validate them. When all courses validate, you are ready for your enrollment appointment
Step 6: Finish the enrollment On Tuesday August 13th: Go to your Shopping Cart for Fall Term Select all courses and click Enroll Watch out for courses that are now closed
If class is full (closed), use ADD ANOTHER CLASS button to return to Add Classes page and try again.
Did you do it right? Return to Student Center Click My Academics to review your Advisement Report and see other functions
Advisement Report
See important policy information See all your incomplete and ungraded courses
Expand all to make sure you dont miss anything. You must satisfy ALL requirements in order to graduate
You should drop this course! See your department for help picking an appropriate course instead. Check the Non-Applicable Section These courses are NOT appropriate for your program.
Each part of the report shows you what you still need to take.
The future years of your program can change. The Advisement Report reflects the newest calendar information applicable to your requirements. It is updated every March for the new year.
Calendar and Advisement Report same information, different presentation
NOTE: If a course list is very long, you must refer to the online calendar to see the list of appropriate courses
Current Students Page
For New Students
How to Use RAMSS
Faculty of Arts
QUESTIONS? For the name and contact information of your Program Administrator, see your program's Enrollment Worksheet at