Field Trip to Lanark Tonya Chandler 3rd Nov. 26-30 Bellringer L3.2 a-f Coding: Technology CIP Goals Writing Standards C1 communicate, C2 Collaborate, C3 Critical Thinking C4 Create Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 1 independently Review and discuss as a class by sharing corrections C1, C3 Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 4 individually. Review and share corrections as a class C1, C3 Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 2 with your table partner.C1, C3 Review as a class by sharing corrections Smartboard Skill: Editing Read and edit paragraph 3 with your table partner. C1, C3 Review as a class and share corrections Smartboard Field Trip to Lanark Bellringer L3.2 a-f Skill: /j/, /k/, /s/ Skill: /j/, /k/, /s/ During independent work stations students will complete a word search with all 20 spelling words. They can work with other group members. C1,C2 Skill: /j/, /k/, /s/ Pre-assessment During independent work stations ½ of students will complete a word search with all 20 spelling words. They can work with other group members. L3.2f, RF3.3 Spelling Skill: /j/, /k/, /s/ Post-assessment Word search ½ of students work with their group to find more words for each of the patterns…ge, dge, ce, ci, ck Guide students through a closed sort of spelling words by phonetic pattern. Students will check off the word as they write it in the correct box. C1, C2 Skill: verb tenses Introduce verb tenses Past- Present- and Future Power Point Students interact with the power point to practice identifying each verb as past, present, or future Smartboard C1, C2 Skill: subject verb agreement Model choosing the correct verb to agree with the subject. Allow students to work with a partner as they search the room for 20 subject verb agreement task cards and record the answer next to the corresponding number. C1, C2 Skill: subject verb agreement Scoot with task cards Independently choose the noun and the verb. Write each by the corresponding number. C1, C3 Skill: Subject Verb Agreement Give students a subject verb agreement quiz Use results for review needed next week. C3 Grammar L3.4a, L3.5 Skill: Text Features Review text features with students using a PowerPoint presentation. Guide students in using post-its to find text features in this week’s story. Chunk the text and read Seeing Stars. Pause to identify text features and unknown vocabulary. Skill: Text Features Review text features with students using a second and new PowerPoint presentation. Continue reading and chunking the text to identify text features and vocabulary. Quick Write (Exit Slip)- how do text features help us understand the text better. Skill: Text Features Review the story and this week’s skills using the Seeing Stars brochure. Students work in groups to complete while the teacher rotates among them. Share answers and discuss the text. Reading Assessment Reading RI3.1, 3.5 Skill: Text Features Students will be pulled to review text features. Use multiple passages and examples to expose students and review. Task cards are also available for review. Skill: Text Features Students will be pulled to review text features. Use multiple passages and examples to expose students and review. Task cards are also available for review. Skill: Text Features Students will be pulled to review text features. Use multiple passages and examples to expose students and review. Task cards are also available for review. Skill: Text Features Students will be pulled to review text features. Use multiple passages and examples to expose students and review. Task cards are also available for review. Small Groups RI 3.1, 3.5
Lanark Field Trip Tonya Chandler 3rd Bellringer 3.NBT.1,2 Math November 26-30 C1 communicate, C2 Collaborate, C3 Critical Thinking C4 Create Lanark Field Trip Skill: Common Core Review Students work on five a day and math facts Daily Data Skill: Common Core Review Students work on five a day and math facts Daily Data Skill: Common Core Review Students work on five a day and math facts Daily Data Skill: Common Core Review Students work on five a day and math facts Daily Data Bellringer Skill: Division Introduce division by reading the book The Doorbell Rang. Have students use Cookie Crisp cookies to model dividing the cookies among friends. Skill: Division Review division as repeated subtraction and the opposite of multiplication. Use fact family triangles and have students write and solve division problems based on the fact family given. Skill: Division Review division using dividing into equal groups. Use task cards and manipulatives to provide practice. Introduce the concept of a remainder. Skill: Division Review division with word problems and manipulatives. Students work with a partner to work through the problems and illustrate. 3.NBT.1,2 Math Skill: division Pull students who have not achieved this standard. Use reteaching materials Skill: division Pull students who have not achieved this standard. Use reteaching materials Skill: division Pull students who have not achieved this standard. Use reteaching materials Skill: division Pull advanced students to teach long division Small Groups NBT.1,2 . Skill: Force Students will watch a Mystery Science video about bridges to learn about force and engineering. Students will brainstorm throughout and gather materials for tmrw. Skill: Force Students will construct a hopper popper and test how high they were able to make it jump with the force of the rubber band pushing back. Skill: Force Students will construct a bridge to support pennies. Analyze your first attempt and try again. Students are trying to create an upward force. Skill: Force Students watch a Mystery Science video about force and answer questions. Students will brainstorm throughout Gather materials for future activity AL 1,2,3,4 Science Science Science Science Science Social Studies