Public Information Session Welcome Property Disposition Public Information Session March 26, 2014 Parkside High School 31 Parkside Ave, Dundas
Introductions Ellen Warling Brenda Khes Pat Hudyma Manager of Planning, Accommodation & Rentals Facilities Management Department Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board Brenda Khes Associate Planner, GSP Group Pat Hudyma Property Planner
Agenda Brief Presentation – Parkside High School Property Disposition Process Q & A
PARKSIDE HIGH SCHOOL 31 Parkside Ave., Dundas Source: Google Earth Map Site
Parkside High School - 4 + acre site School Gross Floor Area - + 95,000 ft2
Parkside High School Dundas Driving Park
PROPERTY SUMMARY PARKSIDE HIGH SCHOOL Subject site is sloped an irregular in shape, consisting of 4 + acres (1.7 + hectares) with frontage along Parkside Avenue. School is approximately 95,000 ft2 in size and is situated in a mature residential neighbourhood on the crest of a hill. Building consists of a 2 storey and 3 storey design due to being constructed into the hill. Access from Parkside Ave. Adjacent land includes residential lands to the north, south and west, and Dundas Driving Park to the east.
Rationale School Boards must consider the disposition of surplus property to generate funds for their capital projects Disposition of property may be whole sites or portions of sites deemed excess to school needs Revenue generated through property sales is the Board’s primary source of funds for the construction of new schools While the Ministry of Education provides funding for the construction of new schools, there is still a substantial contribution required by the Board. School Boards are in a position where they must consider the disposition of surplus property to generate funding in support of new school construction and or the acquisition of new school sites. Disposition of property also relates to excess land on a portion of school property on which a school will continue to operate. Generating revenue through property sales is the Board’s primary funding mechanism for purchasing new school sites. It remains in the best interest of the Board, students and community ratepayers to achieve the maximum return for surplus properties, while recognizing the need to maintain community involvement throughout the disposition process.
Offer to Preferred Agents Process Public Information 60 days March to May 2014 Current Status Declare Surplus Board Motion June 2014 Offer to Preferred Agents 90 days March to June 2015 Sell on Open Market 2015
Offer to Preferred Agents Public Information Public Information 60 days March to May 2014 Key communication period to inform local communities in advance of potential property dispositions Not required by legislation – an approach unique to HWDSB Public has until May 5th, 2014 to provide their comments regarding the property being declared surplus. Comments shall be attached to the Report to Board Declare Surplus Board Motion June 2014 Offer to Preferred Agents 90 days March to June 2015 Sell on Open Market 2015
Offer to Preferred Agents Declare Surplus Public Information 60 days March to May 2014 Ontario Regulation 444/98 under the Education Act governs the disposition of School Board properties Board must adopt a resolution declaring the property surplus to their needs Administration may look at revenue maximization strategies – i.e. amending the Official Plan; re-zoning, developing lands to registration of lots; creating an approved plan of subdivision Declare Surplus Board Motion June 2014 Offer to Preferred Agents 90 days March to June 2015 Sell on Open Market 2015
Offer to Preferred Agents Public Information 60 days March to May 2014 Per the Education Act, properties must be sold at fair market value The following have first opportunity to acquire Board Sites: Other Local School Boards Mohawk College - College Boreal McMaster University Crown in right of Ontario City of Hamilton Crown in right of Canada Declare Surplus Board Motion June 2014 Offer to Preferred Agents 90 days March to June 2015 Sell on Open Market 2015
Offer to Preferred Agents Sell on the Open Market Public Information 60 days March to May 2014 If no preferred agent is interested, Boards may dispose of the property as they see fit The most common approach is through a public bidding process Sale of property must be at fair market value It is up to the buyer to ensure compliance with all provincial and municipal planning regulations Declare Surplus Board Motion June 2014 Offer to Preferred Agents 90 days March to June 2015 Sell on Open Market 2015
Contact Information Comments to the Board: GSP Group Inc – Attn: Brenda Khes, Associate Planner 29 Rebecca Street, Suite 200 Hamilton, On L8R 1B3 Other questions or concerns: GSP Group as above or 905-527-5092 ext. 2488 or ext. 2479