Photosynthesis and Respiration
Photosynthesis: plant cells making glucose for energy light 6 CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 carbon water glucose oxygen dioxide
This process is the opposite of respiration This process is the opposite of respiration. It stores energy from the sun in the form of food.
Respiration: all cells release energy when they “burn” fuel/food
This process is the opposite of photosynthesis. Respiration RELEASES energy from fuel/food.
Mitosis Meiosis
Mitosis is the process in which the nucleus divides to form two new nuclei. produces two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell.
Animated Mitosis Cycle Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase & Cytokinesis
Interphase Cell prepares for division by: Parent Cell Cell prepares for division by: Chromosomes are copied (# doubles) Photographs from:
Prophase Mitosis begins (cell begins to divide) Nucleus disappears . Centrioles (or poles) appear and begin to move to opposite end of the cell. between the poles.
Chromosomes line up in the Middle Metaphase Chromosomes line up in the Middle
Chromosomes separate and move to opposite sides. Anaphase Chromosomes separate and move to opposite sides.
The cell divides into two. (Two new nuclei form) Telophase The cell divides into two. (Two new nuclei form) The nucleus re-forms
Cytokinesis occurs after mitosis Cell membrane moves inward to create two daughter cells – each with its own nucleus with identical chromosomes.
Animal Mitosis -- Review Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase
Cell Cycle 17
- Cell Division The Cell Cycle 18 18
Mitosis Animation
Produces sex cells Sperm eggs Goes through the same phases as mitosis, only it goes it twice Produces 4 new cells Meiosis = half number of chromosomes
Second Division Prophase II Telophase II Metaphase II Four cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell Anaphase II Daughter Cells
Summary mitosis: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase = 2 cells meiosis: prophase 2, metaphase 2, anaphase 2, and telophase = 4 daughter cells