Screening of the Award Winning Film [Insert Your Logo Here] WELCOME Thanks for joining us today for our Screening of the Award Winning Film Someone You Love Commemorating Cervical Cancer Awareness Month #HPVNCCCP - Celebrating 20 Years -
Narrated by Vanessa Williams
To Protect Against the Virus CDC Recommends… HPV Vaccination for Girls and Boys Age 11-12 To Protect Against the Virus Before Exposure
of penile cancers may be HPV in Men 60% of penile cancers may be linked to hpv Cancers of the head and neck are the most common HPV-associated cancers among men.
28,500 HPV Vaccination can prevent an estimated new cancer cases per year That’s more than the average attendance at one of the largest pop concert tours of last year.
are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year DID YOU KNOW? 12,000 U.S. WOMEN are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year
Happy 20th Anniversary to the NCCCP! NCCCP is a CDC National Program that provides the funding, science, and technical assistance to 66 comprehensive cancer control programs around the country! Visit to learn more.
[Credentials i.e. PhD, MPH] Special Guests [headshot] [Name] [Credentials i.e. PhD, MPH] [Title] [Insert Logos Here]
Join the Discussion About HPV and HPV-Related Cancers [Name] [Name] [headshot] [headshot] [headshot] [Name] [Credentials i.e. PhD, MPH] [Title] [Name] [Credentials i.e. PhD, MPH] [Title] [Name] [Credentials i.e. PhD, MPH] [Title] [Insert Logos Here]