Attendance Reminder of Level Test Email Handback FSW - read/comments/feedback Writing Tools Handout (Q1 and Q2)
Page 12 Activity 3 - Q 1 and 2 Page14 Q5 A and B R AND C WEEK 2 Page 12 Activity 3 - Q 1 and 2 Page14 Q5 A and B Page 14 Activity 4 - Q1-2 Page 17 Activity 5 - Q1-2 Page20 Compare
Introduce Thesis Sentence Handout GROUPS 2 QUESTIONS PER GROUP
Monday September 12th Attendance Review Dates - OSW 1 & Reading Circles completed by 22nd September Reading Circles - Set up Kakao Groups (add me - cbou812)
FSW #2 - Choose Video 1 or Video 2 What’s in a word? The Power of Words? Accent vs Dialect Really it's pretty simple: An accent is the way that particular person or group of people sound. It's the way somebody pronounces words, the musicality of their speech, etc. A dialect describes both a person's accent and the grammatical features of the way that person talks.
Let’s listen to a Liverpool accent Let’s listen to a Liverpool accent. He’s a former soccer player but now works on TV as a pundit. He’s a native English speaker, but do you think it’s easy to understand someone (all the time) who speaks the same language as you? What kind of problems can happen?
In this video, ‘The Power of Words’, what do you think the message is? Even though there is not a lot of dialogue…the female character says ”I wrote the same...but different words” Can you think of an inspirational phrase, expression, or message and what it means?
Page 22/23 - the introduction Page 24 - activity #6 Page 25-26-27- Activity #7 Page 30-31(outline/structure)-32-34
Paragraph Rules/Structure Page 36 brainstorming Check P37 - choose a topic… OSW1 due 22nd September (3 Para Essay)
For OSW 1 please prepare a 3 paragraph essay. Use the handout that I gave you in class as a guide. Introduction (paragraph 1) - Hook + Connecting Information +Topic Sentence (P22) Main Body - (paragraph 2) summarize your idea, then give examples and supporting ideas of what you liked and disliked about the film… Conclusion (paragraph 3) - Try to put your ideas together in the final paragraph. (page 34)