Examining Our Beliefs Session 3 Transforming Our Teaching Through Reading/Writing Connections PLC
Agenda Reflection Discussion Observation Establish Common Beliefs Wrap up
Engage, Reflection, Assess Discuss your findings How did it go? What did you notice? How did your students respond? Were there any surprises? What changes, if any, do you need to make? What accommodations did you need to make for struggling, gifted, ELL?
Discussion Professional Reading Article… “Apply the Optimal Learning Model” (Teaching Essentials excerpt, pp. 88-94) Discuss with the whole group
Optimal Learning Model Differentiated Instruction Reading Word Study Writing Demonstration (I do it) Reading to… Shared Experiences (We do it) Reading with… Handover of Responsibility Guided Practice (You do it/We do it) Reading with/by (You do it/We do it) Reading with/by Independent Practice Reading by… (You do it) Celebration/Assessment
Goals To identify group’s core beliefs To establish critical friends To extend on the team member’s thinking about teaching reading/writing To provide a different perspective about reading/writing group issues To clarify thinking about reading/writing and establish commonalities within the group To begin building collaborative teams
View Video and Take Notes Turn to the note catcher to take notes As you watch and take notes, reflect on those beliefs that align with your thinking Note those beliefs that challenge your Thinking.
Respond to the Video Why is it important to maximize reading/writing connections across the curriculum for optimal instruction, learning, and achievement? What did these teachers change in their practice that impacted their teaching? How did both teachers begin to incorporate the Optimal Learning Model into their daily teaching? What have you learned that you can apply to your own beliefs and practices?
Group Process 1. Individually identify statements from Examining Beliefs About Teaching and Reading and Writing. Which statements are meaningful to you and why are they meaningful? 2. Select a “scribe” for the team. This team member will be recording the member’s responses. 3. The first person in the group begins the process by choosing a statement about what he/she feels strongly about. Note: the person does not share whether the statement is one he/she agrees with or disagrees with.
Group Process cont. Each person takes turns and responds to the statement by saying, “I agree” or “I disagree with the statement,” and tells why. The scribe records teams responses After going around in the circle with each person responding, the first person shares whether he/she chose the statement because he/she agreed or disagreed with it and why.
Group Process Cont. Process continues until everyone has had the opportunity to share. On chart paper, the scribe writes down areas of agreement form the team.
Whole Group Sharing/Closure The whole group comes together to share their charts. Identifies areas of agreement that are common on all the charts. Ask for any additions to the chart. You have just identifies your groups core beliefs about reading/writing instruction. Prepare to type and post the groups beliefs statement.
Try it/Apply it in the Classroom Reflect on your core beliefs about read/writing connections And how they drive your teaching practices. Think about several practices that are working schoolwide To promote high student achievement and several practices That are impeding schoolwide achievement: -How do schoolwide beliefs impact our teaching? -What have you noticed? -What are some suggestions for raising student achievement?
Wrap-UP Before next session read “Align Your Beliefs with Your Practice” (Teaching Essentials excerpt, pp. 37-39) Meet in your grade level teams and continue to use the Optimal Learning Model as your framework for all instruction. Bring samples of your lessons, student work, shared reading/writing to session 4 Wed. Nov. 5, 2008.