The Things They Carried By Tim O’Brien Jessica Rossin Jones
Preface Remember that the novel is an art form. The purpose of art is to give you a view of reality. It is just an impression of reality. The picture an artist paints is just a picture the way the artist sees it. - Real life is real life. Everything else, a picture,-- a poem, a song, or even a newspaper article, or even a news video,-- is just an interpretation of reality. - A poem uses only the words the artist wants to use. Even the news shows you only what the reporter wants you to see. It is NEVER the same as real life.
Preface Why you don’t have to agree with literature… Didn't you know? People have been working to take control of your mind and thoughts since you were born. It's about time you started to make darn sure you were aware of it. It is OK to change your mind. It is OK to let someone convince you that you should change your mind. But you should be aware it is happening. That is your responsibility.
Preface With that said, the Vietnam Conflict is an extremely dynamic topic. There are many perspectives, opinions, and views of the 60s. To the best of my ability, I present to you the basic history and background necessary for the text that we will be exploring.
The Vietnam Conflict 1965 - Jan. 1973 Longest military conflict in U.S. history. According to the Vietnam War Memorial, 2.7 million served in the war and 58,226 were killed.
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam Conflict The Vietnam Conflict North Vietnam and China vs United States, South Vietnam, France was a military struggle fought in Vietnam, involving the North Vietnamese and the National Liberation Front (NLF) in conflict with United States forces and the South Vietnamese army.
The Vietnam Conflict From 1946 until 1954, the Vietnamese had struggled for their independence from France. At the end of this, the country was temporarily divided into North & South Vietnam. North Vietnam came under the control of the Vietnamese Communists. They received all of their aid and support from China. The South was controlled by Vietnamese who had collaborated with the French.
The Vietnam Conflict US advisors had been aiding South Vietnam forces since about 1957 In 1965, the United States sent in ground troops to prevent the S. Vietnam government from collapsing under a communist regime. President Johnson “claimed” US forces had been “attacked” in the Bay of Tonkin, and asked Congress to give him a blank check regarding conflict efforts.
The Vietnam Conflict By 1967 there were 500, 000 soldiers in Vietnam. Vietnam was the first televised war. It was also the first war to use guerilla warfare tactics. 1967: About 15,000 soldiers died that year.
The Vietnam Conflict Ultimately, however, the United States failed to achieve its goal, and in 1975 Vietnam was reunified under Communist control. In 1976 it officially became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Tim O’Brien Worthington, Minnesota Now works as a creative writing professor at the Southwest Texas State University. Born Oct. 1, 1946
Tim O’Brien In college, he began to protest the Vietnam War Two weeks after he graduated with a degree in Political Science, he received his draft notice. the draft ended in 1973 and has not been reinstated since
Tim O’Brien Considered dodging the draft, but recognized its unfairness. Selective Service deferments were given to many middle-class white college students. Most of the serving men were low income whites and minorities.
Tim O’Brien Served in Vietnam from 1969-70. He was assigned to 3rd Platoon, A Company, 5th Battalion 46th Infantry, as an infantry foot soldier. He was first assigned to the C Company who was responsible for the massacre at My Lai.
Tim O’Brien Though The Things They Carried is mainly fiction, Tim O'Brien did fight in Vietnam, and he has been telling "true war stories" since he returned from the war. Wrote a total of six books about the war. Often compared to Hemingway – another notes War writer. Also, receives much notoriety for being the foremost recognized Vietnam War writer.
The Things They Carried Themes to develop: Bravery Truth Brotherhood The Effect of War vignnette: a short, well written sketch. It does not have a plot (which would make it a story).It may have a theme or idea of its own that it wants to convey. It is the description of the scene or character that is important.
The Things They Carried Verisimilitude: achieved by a writer or storyteller when he presents striking details which lend an air of authenticity to a tale. For example, a teenager (not you of course) goes somewhere without her parents permission and tells her parents that she was really at the library. If the teenager adds creative details about what happened while she was there (even though she is making the details up), she is attempting to add verisimilitude to her story.
The Things They Carried Paradox a statement or situation that contradicts itself. The best forms of paradox are those which make sense even though they are self contradictory. - For millions of Christians the world over, eternal life awaits them after they die. - It is true that everything I write is a lie. - "Nature's first green is gold." (Robert Frost)