Form and Function of a Mosque Objective: to identify the architectural features of a mosque by participating in a group response activity using your guided handout.
What do you know From you PNI about the Mosque what do you remember?
Mosque -Muslim house of worship Historically-flat, rectangular building with circular dome on top Minarets (towers) Oriented toward Kaaba in Mecca
Minarets Like bell towers of a Cathedral Muezzin make the adhan while walking around balconies decorated with copolas. Shapes include: round, square (N Africa), spires (Ottoman Turkey) 5 times a day adhan is called: “God is great (4 times)”I bear witness there is no god but Allah (twice)” I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger (twice)” “ Come to prayer (twice)”, “Come to Success (twice)” “Allah is most great (twice)” There is not god but Allah!”
Sahn Arcades held up by horseshoe shaped arches on columns. Surround the sahn, allow shade, shelter, serve as walkways Sahn meeting place Ablution fountain-cleanse, purity, prepare to enter mosque and worship Allah
Prayer Hall
Prayer Hall Salat (ritual prayer) sequence of positions, standing, bowing, prostrating, kneeling all symbolizing a Muslim’s humility and obedience and love for Allah Iqamah (second adhan)begins individual prayer Imam (leader)stands in front of prayer niche-believers form rows behind him
Minbar -like a pulpit used for imam during khutba (Friday service) Top step reserved for prophet-left empty to show respect Minbar stand to the right of the mihrab along the qiblah wall…..
Mihrab (means refuge) Prayer niche-indicated the qiblah wall (direction of prayer-toward Mecca) Mihrab for imam to stand in during salat In mihrab hangs a light symbolizing “Allah is the light of heavens and earth. The smbol of his light is a niche wherein is a lamp” (Quaran XXIV:35) “cave of the world”
dome Ensures visibility by lighting entire prayer area. Adjacent to qiblah wall Sunlight allowed in later electric light Allows for openess
Great mosques and contributions of Golden Age of Islam=Cordoba Watch the movie: Use a PNI strategy-what was positive? Negative? Just darn interesting…