LAMAS October 2016 Agenda Item 2.1 SES2014: transmission, validation and dissemination
OUTLINE I. State of play and compliance monitoring II. Data validation III. Dissemination
Importance of SES data 4 yearly survey based on 2 stage (enterprise employee) sampling Large part of the economy covered Micro (distributional) data Benchmark for Gender Pay Gap (GPG)
Compliance Monitoring Timeliness: Within the deadline: BE, CZ, DK, DE, EE, IE, ES, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, MT, NL, AT, PL, RO, SI, SK, FI, SE, UK, NO, IS, CH, ME, MK, RS, TR Up to 6 weeks delay: BG, FR, IT, PT More than 2 months delay: HR (not validated) No data received: EL
IT Validation Incorrect or missing headers or variable names Missing mandatory variables or columns Column separator (;) Decimal point (.) B25 (Highest successfully completed level of education and training - ISCED 2011)
Statistical Validation Annual days of holiday leave (B33) Number of overtime hours paid in the reference month (B321) Earnings related to overtime (B421)
Missing Mandatory Variables NL: B422 (payments for shift work) SE: A15 (collective pay agreement), B28 (type of employment contract) and B33 (annual days of leave)
Data Publishing (Eurobase) - 8 July 2016: first 20 countries - 1 August 2016: 32 countries - 22 September 2016: EU / EA aggregates (without Greece and Croatia)
Next steps 2016Q4: - SES News release - National Quality Reports posted on ESS-MH - SES data in Safe Center of Eurostat 2017Q1: - European synthesis of Quality Reports - CDROM (scientific use file)
The LAMAS delegates are invited: - To take note of the state of play concerning the transmission, validation and dissemination of SES 2014 data - To take note that the SES 2014 national quality reports have to be updated in ESS-MH no later than 31 December 2016 (contact person: Ines KOLAKOVIC)
Thank you for your attention!