A Collaborative Environment Providing tools that stop redundant work and improve performance
Providing a useful environment Providing an intuitive, accessible, and simple yet robust environment for researchers to keep track of their work is the only way to keep everyone informed. Modern advances in searching digital works has greatly improved the speed of information. Collaborative online structures are the next step to improving group efficiency.
Overcoming Barriers Work gets lost causing others to repeat unnecessary tasks. A central location of filing information is needed, luckily we have the Internet Researcher awareness of others work is low Published work can get old and destroyed, digital copies served via mirrors around the world will remain forever. Researchers don’t want to waste time copying work to the web. With an effect collaborative service research will start and end on the web, provide instant notification to collaborators around the world.
The Yuen Collab Project In effort to make technology desirable to researchers, the Yuen Collab Project was formed. Started with the simple mission of creating a central location to store information Now envisioned to be the most intuitive open source work group environment available.
Yuen Collab: Web Interface Intuitive interface allowing easy multi-tasking Use any software you like, modules are loaded in their own environment so virtually any software servable on the web will work!
Yuen Collab: Lightning Fast Nobody wants to wait for slow pages to load Ajax and preload technology allow pages to be served like they would on desktop applications by preloading them one on top of another.
Yuen Collab: Skins Make the collaborative web application work like your Windows XP machine, or use more traditional web styles. All skins provide fast AJAX performance and visual effects to make you feel right at home.
Yuen Collab: Modules Central module repository gives a complete package management system Provides a simple module package management system. Making web application installations a one click process. Upgrade existing modules the same way you installed them. Tools specially designed for group collaboration freely available.
Yuen Collab: Server Side The Yuen Collab project is not just another web portal it also a compilation of server side software working together. Apache2 and SVN provide safe methods to maintaining and organizing code. Administrative scripts to create and maintain user accounts Mirroring services to keep data safe and available from somewhere at all times.
Summary Yuen Collab is an online OS (operating system) emulator with tools designed especially to easy the task of collaboration. Complete package distribution and management system built into the core Run your favorite external software or install tools specifically designed for the intuitive environment. Quick Start A/V (audio/video) tutorials to get your feet wet working efficiently in this standard environment. Administrative tasks handled by server side scripting to keep the environment safe and easy.