Chapter 11: Visual and Verbal Support in Presentations
Functions of Supporting Material Anything that backs up claims in presentation Functions: Clarity Interest Proof
Verbal Support Definitions Examples Stories Most effective when several used together Stories Fictional Hypothetical Factual
Verbal Support Statistics Most common Use sparingly Round off numbers Use visual aids to explain
Verbal Support Comparisons Figurative Literal Quotations
Verbal Support Citing your sources Method State point Identify source State content Explain importance
Verbal Support Citing your sources Guidelines Cite in manner that adds credibility Cite sources that have credibility Restate point of long citations
Visual Aids Make presentations more effective Are easier to understand than words alone Make statistics easier to understand Add interest Boost image
Visual Aids Functions Show how things look Show how things work Show how things relate Emphasize important points
Visual Aids Types Objects and models Photographs Diagrams
Visual Aids Types Lists and tables Pie charts Bar charts Column charts Pictograms Graphs
Visual Aids Types Video Used to show action Using amateur footage can be risky
Visual Aids Media for Presenting Chalk boards Dry-erase marker boards Flip charts Poster boards
Visual Aids Media for Presenting Transparencies Photographic slides Computer displays Handouts
Visual Aids Presentation Software Advantages Customize materials Professional quality Create variety of materials Can be very effective
Visual Aids Presentation Software Dangers Poorly conceived messages Design over content Overly complex presentations
Guidelines for Using Visual Aids Selection Use with purpose Keep slide shows brief Match sophistication of visuals to audience
Guidelines for Using Visual Aids Design Large enough to see Simple design Few words (Rule of 7) Horizontal printing Label all items
Guidelines for Using Visual Aids Presentation Display visual only when discussing it Ensure visuals work in meeting room Practice using visuals