Tuesday, February 7th 2017
What are we doing today? Bellwork: SILENTLY complete activity Homework Checked: None Classwork: Grammar Practice 22: Adjectives and Articles Maniac Magee Chapter 29 MM Worksheet and quickwrite Homework: READ. Finish anything you didn’t complete in class.
Bellwork Finish this sentence and write more about it in the bellwork section of your binder. Make sure it is at least one paragraph (five sentences) Make sure to put the date beside your response and keep all bellwork responses for the week on the same page. They will be due the first day of the following week. If I were ten years older, I could… After you finish writing, silently get out an AR book and READ!!! Make sure to put the date beside your response and keep all bellwork responses for the week on the same page. They will be due the first day of the following week. Be sure to stay organized and keep up!
Grammar Practice 22: Adjectives and Articles Work by yourself to complete the practice side of your grammar sheet. DO NOT write the sentence for part C. Only write the words that make it complete. You may use your notes. We will go over it as a class.
Maniac magee Ch. 29 To yourself, silently read chapter 29. After reading, complete the worksheet questions for that chapter. We will go over them as a class. If you are finished, make sure you are caught up on chapter titles, chapter summaries, and figurative language. After we discuss the answers to the questions, answer this on the same sheet of paper as yesterday: What is the significance of Maniac painting the 101 on the outside of his door?
Homework READ YOUR AR BOOKS!!!!! Finish what you didn’t finish in class
Announcements 2/10 – Maniac Magee Part 2 Test 2/20 – no school 3/6-10 – Case 21 exams 3/12 – Daylight Savings (spring forward) 3/13-3/17 – Spring Break!
1. PACK UP (and put your backpack in your seat) 2 1. PACK UP (and put your backpack in your seat) 2. CLEAN UP (check for assignments) 3. LINE UP (if everything is not clean and quiet, you will not be able to leave my room)