Step 1: Open your browser and type (Required browser: Mozilla Firefox)
Step 2: A log-in page will appear. Use your CSBInfonet account to log-on.
Step 3: After a successful login, Click Update Enlisted Courses from the menu (right side of the screen).
Step 4: Make sure that the course approval is on going or else, you would find this error message on your screen.
Step 5: Search the student to update by entering the Student Number or the Student Last Name Search by Student number - Do not forget to add zeros before the student number (4 zeros for ID 100 above, 5 zeros for ID 99 below) You could also type % at the Student Last Name to view all the advisee of the user.
Step 6: How to Approve/Disapprove Courses a.) Approve Courses – Click the radio button under the Approved column. Add remarks if necessary. * Click the Approve All button to automatically approve all records.
Step 6: How to Approve/Disapprove Courses b.) Disapprove Courses – Click the radio button under the Disapproved column. Add remarks if necessary.
Step 7: How to Add/Delete Courses a.) Add Courses – Select the course code from the drop down box then click the Add button.
Step 7: How to Add/Delete Courses b.) Delete Courses – Click the Delete button at the right side of the table. * You can only delete courses you have added and not yet approved.
Step 7: How to Add/Delete Courses Note that the system will not allow you to add/approve a course once maximum allowable units have been reached. Academic Units – This is the maximum allowable number of Academic units you may approve Non Academic Units – This is the maximum allowable number of Non Academic units you may approve Maximum Allowable Units – This is the total maximum allowable number of (Academic + Non Academic) units you may approve
Step 7: How to Add/Delete Courses You should specify the right adding of courses and its equivalency, if not, there will be an error message that will appear on the screen.
Step 8: Replacing Inactive Courses Select the course to replace by clicking the course code inside the table. Select the replacement from the dropdown box then click the Add button.
Step 9: Save/Approve Click the Save button after approving/disapproving/adding. Status will be changed from Pending Approval to Approved after clicking the Approve/Approve All button. NOTE: Please make sure that the Status is Approved. Dont forget to click Approve button if you have any changes made.
Step 10: When you are finished, click Log-Out (upper right of the screen) for security purposes.