UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE How Geography impacts life in the U.S. 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience Geography American Indians 8 UNIT SCHEDULE 5 UNIT MAP is about... 1.2b Brochure The land and water features of the U.S. 1.2b quiz including Bodies of Water Map including Flashcards including 1.2c Quiz The 8 U.S. Geographic Regions Key U.S. Geographic Features 1.2d Intro 1.2 Review U.S. Bodies of Water 1.2 Test Locate How do the distinctive characteristics of geographic regions impact life in the United States? What are some ways that bodies of water in the U.S. have supported interaction among regions? What are the characteristics of each geographic feature and why are they important in U.S. history? 6 Descriptive UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Compare/ Contrast RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7 KU-CRL
Geography The Unit Organizer KU-CRL NAME Geography DATE 9 Expanded Unit Map is about... The land and water features of the U.S. including including including Coastal Plain Appalachian Highlands Canadian Shield Interior Lowlands Great Plains Rocky Mountains Basin and Range Coastal Range Key Geographic features 8 Geographic Regions Water-related features Lakes, rivers, tributaries, gulfs and bays Land-related features Mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, islands and peninsulas U.S. Bodies of Water Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean St. Lawrence River Ohio River Missouri River Mississippi River Rio Grande Colorado River Columbia River Gulf of Mexico 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT KU-CRL