1st Grade Tribe Times March 19-23, 2018 March blue enjoy how round dishes diver overpay afternoon Sight Words: learn, early Sentence: Braden found four spiders in the corner of the dark barn. Mrs. Chesshire Mrs. Rhodes Mrs. Fegley Ms. Ellis Mrs. Kelley Mrs. Ibarra Conference time: 3:10-3:45 M-Th Phone: (903) 785-7458 Mon- tch and spelling with final ch and tch Tues- dge and spelling with final dge and ge Wed- spelling with /ch/ and /j/ Thurs- digraph ie Fri- Assessment This week we are sending home a fluency passage. Fluent readers focus on these things when reading Expression Look at punctuation Scooping up phrases instead of reading word by word Sound natural Fluency Passage: Plants and Animals Shared Reading: Identify techniques used in commercials Independent Reading: Monitor and adjust comprehension while reading and practice fluency Writing: Draft, revise, edit and publish compositions including the use of pronouns. Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30am March 19-23 Book Fair 21- Report cards go home 30- Weather Day/No School April 2- Weather Day/ No School 11- Spring Pictures Mon.-counting pennies and nickels Tues.-ordering events by time and assessment 19 Wed.- Strategy subtracting 10 from a number Thurs.- cont. subtracting 10 from a number Fri.- identify dozen and half dozen Science: Parts of a plant Social Studies: Money & Trade