Your Partners in Enhancing Organization Effectiveness Worldwide
Who we are is a Management Consulting and Organization Development company. Started in 1994 in Bangalore, India, we work in the USA, India, Malaysia, Singapore and Saudi Arabia is an International Training company, with operations in the USA, Malaysia, India and Saudi Arabia, specializing in designing, and delivering highly customized training courses and seminars. Our focus is on application of the learning and its effect on the overall performance of the organization.
1.Integrity To be true to ourselves and serve our clients with total uncompromising integrity, in all respects. 2.Continuous Learning To constantly seek increase in our knowledge and share it with all our constituents in the belief that knowledge increases with sharing. 3.Speed of Response To hold ourselves to the value that a client must be responded to within 24 hours. Our Core Values
To enable people to leverage their potential to make their dreams come true. Our Vision Because its the color of the dream and not the color of the skin, that makes the difference
It is our mission to be our client's first choice in dealing with all challenges of developing Enduring Leadership© with a total commitment to Quality in all aspects of the operation. Our Core Purpose Were with you for the long haul
1. Developing Enduring Leadership© 2. Leading Change Initiatives 3. Creating Performance Excellence 4. Enhancing Personal Effectiveness 5. Enabling Entrepreneurship What we do Best Our team spans continents, races and ages
We help organizations develop Enduring Leadership©, create greater focus & commitment, build Self-managed Teams and help Technical specialists with transition into Leadership and Management roles How that Helps our Clients Because the leader is remembered by the legacy
Our Clients are our best Ambassadors Some clients and some assignments
At GE Corporate University, Crotonville, partnered to teach several Core Courses. This included spending time in USA, auditing the courses and teaching them in India, Singapore and USA. Ongoing work with GE India, GEMS-SA, GEA, GE Power Controls, Jack Welch Technology Center, GEIBC and GEIOC for design and delivery of training. At GE, USA, India, Asia
At AMA International, New York, teach seminars on Leadership Skills and General Management all over the United States. At Andersen Corporate University, Minneapolis, design and deliver courses focused at teaching middle managers the critical human skills of managing projects with multi-national membership. At AMA & Andersen, USA
At Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo, Saudi Arabia, The Kanoo Leadership Course Achievement Orientation Workshop Cutting Edge At Wartsila, Saudi Arabia Sales Leadership Course In Saudi Arabia
At Aditi Technologies & Talisma Corporation, Seattle Management Development courses aimed at enhancing productivity and creating a winning culture. At Microsoft & IBM Present Your Way to the Top & Communicating to Win At Microland, Asian Paints, Mastech, Digital-Compaq Training strategy design, and ongoing implementation At Accenture, MphasiS, EXL Leadership courses to enhance productivity At Seattle & Bangalore
At the World Bank – CGIAR At ICRISAT in Hyderabad, designed and conducted a series of Coaching Skills courses for senior scientists helping them to appraise performance of project colleagues At WorldFish in Penang, Malaysia worked with the Director Generals team in helping them look at issues of teamwork in a multi-cultural environment.
At ICRISAT, J&J, Asian Paints, Unilever worked with Managers and senior scientists from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Designed and implemented interventions aimed at creating appropriate performance evaluators and Development Planning post 360 degree appraisal. Our patented methodology for this is called DAP©. In Appraisals & Development
In Customer Service training At Praxair, Allergan, Siemens, Digital-Compaq, Motorola, IBM, Indian Airlines, designed customer service interventions, Championing the Customer. This includes our patented tools, Customer Needs Mapping and Business Process Analysis and helps the company track the current state of Customer Service and develop a comprehensive Customer Service Excellence Strategy.
Building Boundaryless Teams At GE Medical Systems-South Asia, GE Appliances, Motorola, Siemens, ANZ Grindlays, Digital-Compaq, MphasiS, EXL and numerous other companies, designed and delivered Team Leadership courses. This includes teaching our methodology for helping multi- functional teams to work across boundaries: Creating Boundaryless Teams
Governments: USA, India In India, we work with the National Police Academy, training Police Officers of various ranks in Leadership and Interfacing with the Public. In the USA, we work with the Department of Administrative Services, State of Connecticut training officers from all Services in Leveraging Diversity and Cross-Cultural Communication.
At CavinKare, Bangalore Labs, Cranes Software-Systat, Bangalore Labs, Equations, Reynolds, Career Pointer, Wild India and PSI-Bull, implemented our model for building leadership that can stand the test of time. Building Enduring Leadership©
At Ashok Leyland, Asian Paints, Shantha Biotech, UNISCO, Tata Indicom, and BSNL (Indias National Telecom company), designed and implemented Achievement Orientation Workshops aimed at inculcating a culture of results orientation. Workshops were based on our concept of Stances of Success – Master or Victim? Achievement Orientation
Decision Making Tool: ADM© At Unilever, Tata Indicom, Colgate-Palmolive, Johnson & Johnson, trained managers to use our patented decision making methodology, the ADM© process. This process enables the constituents in a problem situation to make effective, implementable decisions, fast and create a roadmap for implementing them
GE Crotonville Courses Leadership Course (LE) New Managers Development Course GE Medical Systems, South Asia Professional Development Course Achievement Orientation GE Appliances Change Leadership Workshop Team Leadership Course YBA Kanoo, Saudi Arabia The Kanoo Leadership Course Cutting Edge Achievement Orientation Digital – Compaq Performance Coaching Skills Effective Interviewing Skills Motorola Present Your Way to the Top Facilitative Leadership Skills Ashok Leyland Achievement Orientation Talisma Corporation Enduring Leadership© Workshop Multi-level Leadership and Management Development courses Some of our Clients
22 Aditi Technologies Multi-level Leadership and Management Development courses National Semiconductor Present Your Way to the Top Effective Interviewing Skills Praxiar Enduring Leadership© Workshop Customer Service Excellence Bangalore Labs Enduring Leadership© Workshop Multi-level Leadership and Management Development Unilever The ADM© Workshop Sales Leadership Workshop Wartsila Sales Leadership Workshop AMA International General Management & Leadership Courses for Managers Andersen Windows Corporation Critical Human Skills for Project Leadership© Asian Paints Development Action Planning Multi-level Leadership and Management Development courses ICRISAT (Asia Centre) Performance Management Coaching & Counseling Skills Microsoft Present Your Way to the Top IBM India Training of Technical Trainers Outdoor Challenge Training Some of our Clients
Leadership Courses Enduring Leadership Change Leadership Workshop Getting Results Without Authority Personal Leadership Workshop From Managing to Leading Consulting Skills Development General Management Courses Critical Human Skills for Project Leadership Leadership for New Managers Becoming a Facilitative Team Leader Performance Enhancement Tools Development Action Planning Accelerated Decision Making Team Building Courses Outdoor Challenge Training Effective Teaming Skills Leading Multinational Teams Performance Management Championing the Customer Coaching For Excellence Effective Interviewing Skills Service Excellence for Hospitals Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Present Your Way to the Top Achievement Orientation Workshop Communicating to Win Cutting Edge Course Catalog
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