Jeopardy: Review of French 2 Present Passé Vocab. Miscellaneous Wild Card $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 How do you form the present tense of a regular verb? Drop the ending (er, ir, re) and add endings.
1 - $200 I speak Je parle
1 - $300 They punish Ils/Elles punissent
1 - $400 You (fam.) wait for Tu attends
1 - $500 What are the ir verb endings? Is, is, it, issons, issez, issent
2 - $100 How do you form the passe compose? Helping verb + past participle
2 - $200 All verbs must agree in gender and number. VRAI / FAUX? FAUX! only verbs that use ETRE
2 - $300 We went to the beach. Nous sommes allé(e)s à la plage.
2 - $400 The girls saw the movie at the movie theater. Les filles ont vu le film au cinéma.
2 - $500 She died in 1904. Elle est morte en 1904.
3 - $100 Faire le ménage To do the housework/house cleaning
3 - $200 Choisir To choose
3 - $300 Je porte un anorak et des bottes. I’m wearing a ski jacket and boots.
3 - $400 Le guichet The ticket booth
3 - $500 Allez tout droit! Go straight ahead!
4 - $100 ___ (demonstrative adj.) chapeau ce
4 - $200 ____ (interrogative adj.) écharpe? quelle
4 - $300 How to you say you’re going to a city? à
4 - $400 How do you say if you’re coming from a place? de
4 - $500 Is this verb regular or irregular? ALLER Irregular
5 - $100 Conjugate : We are kind, smart, and fun! Nous sommes gentils, intelligents, et amusants!
5 - $200 How would I rewrite this if I don’t want to repeat the noun? Harambe mange la banane. Harambe la mange.
5 - $300 What is a definite article? Le, la, les
5 - $400 Translate: the dining room La salle à manger
5 - $500 Use the passe compose in two sentences. Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here
Final Jeopardy Qu’est-ce que c’est “le réveillon”? The traditional holiday meal on Dec. 24th.