Recent Examples IV – East-West Migration Within Europe The Current Debate, Problems and Measures Boryana Chervilova
The Debate 1 May 2004 – the Controversial EU Enlargement - Fears and Scepticism + Enriching Opportunity €
Fears of the Host Countries „Welfare Tourism“ Reduced Wages Displacement Effects Damage to the Welfare System Restrictions: Transitional Agreements
The 4 Different EU-15 Regimes 1) Be, Lux, Fin, De, Fr, Gre,Sp – no more rights of movement than to the non-EEA nationals (reunions) 2) Au, Den, It, Por, the Netherlands – quotas. 3) UK, Ireland – unrestricted access, restricted social benefits. 4) Sweden – EU community rules apply.
Alternative Viewpoint Analysts: Restrictions=domestic political concerns of slowing economies, unemployment and anti-immigration sentiments. Lack of language skills and propensity to move Case of Greece´81, Sp.&Por ´86 Declined wages counteracted by “ labor => new investments”
Alternative Viewpoint continued Displacement – only if jobs are a fixed number Higher incomes not enough to be a push factor of migration, but also availability of jobs Imposition of labor restrictions against the EU spirit
I Problems of New Member States The Czech Case: Unemployment (Northern Moravia) Lack of investment; the “poorer neighbour complex” (border with Germany) Brain drain and youth-drain (educational migration)
Problems II Quality of Immigration Coverage (QIC) Quality of Statistical Data Quality of Immigration Coverage (QIC) Quality of Emmigration Coverage (QEC)
Measures I Schengen Aquis to avoid turbullences in the labor market FDI Structural Development Funds Improve economic climate Realize benefits of larger markets, possibilities for outsourcing, and cheaper labour Countries develop faster &attract citizens back home
Sources: UNESCO, the CIA, the New Economics Foundation, the World Health Organisation, the Veenhoven Database, the Latinbarometer, the Afrobarometer and the UNHDR.
Measures II Standardize migration definitions Okólski (2004): 7 types of flows UN definitions Develop stronger European legislation for statistics supplied to Eurostat Currently – non-binding UN recommendations
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