COOH/nm2 for 57K PS-b-PMMA


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Presentation transcript:

COOH/nm2 for 57K PS-b-PMMA Surface Chemistry of Diblock-Copolymer-Based Nanoporous Materials Takashi Ito, Department of Chemistry, Kansas State University Cylinder-forming block copolymers (e.g., PS-b-PMMA) provide a means for preparing membranes containing cylindrical nanoscale pores with uniform diameters. The resulting nanoporous membranes can be used to design novel membranes for efficient chemical catalysis and separations. For these future applications, in-depth understanding of the chemical properties of the nanopore surface is essential. In the last 12 months, we have shown that (1) the cation-exchange-based method can be used to quantitatively determine the density of the redox moieties linked onto the etched PMMA nanodomains; (2) the surface density of the redox moieties can be tuned by controlling the surface reaction conditions. COOH/nm2 for 57K PS-b-PMMA (20 nm dia. pores) COOH/nm2 0.84 ± 0.19 Native Amidation with NH3 0.14 ± 0.03 (83% yield) Esterification with EtOH 0.20 ± 0.05 (76% yield) EDC + NH3 0.75 ± 0.22 (11% yield)