Egypt Middle and New Kingdom
Middle kingdom Around 2050 BC a new dynasty from the south restored order in the south establishing the Middle Kingdom. During this time Pharaohs established an interest in the common people of Egypt. Common people were able to go through the mummification process therefore accessing the same afterlife that was only a noble privilege.
Major projects The pharaohs took on the task of draining the Nile Delta and creating thousands of acres of new farm land. They built a canal that connected the nile to the Read Sea making trade and transportation more beneficial for Egyptian civilization. They built temples at Luxar and Karnak near the new capital city of Thebes.
Contact with other civilizations During the Middle Kingdom Egypt expanded its borders and increased contact with others civilizations. Pharaohs sent trade expeditions to Kush, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Crete. This contact many benefits to Egyptian culture…The Tail of Sinuhe was a story of Egyptian travel. (Sinbad the Sailor)
The Hykos From western Asia the Hykos streamed across the Sinai Peninsula into northern Egypt. Because the chaos of a series of weak Pharaohs the Egyptians were unable to repel the Hykos and they were able to conquer Egypt using horses and chariots. For 200 years the Hykos ruled Egypt teaching Egyptians military tactics and the use of hor4ses and chariots. By 1570 nobles were able to expel the Hykos and establish a new dynasty.
The New Kingdom Egypt flourished Kingdom stretched from Kush to the Euphrates river This period territorial gain and the looting of riches was called the Empire age During this period the first female ruler Hatshepsut For 22 years she controlled an area that was rich with an extensive trade route
Thutmose III Son of Hatshepsut Military conquest that increased the empire to it’s greatest size Conquered Palestine and Syria Recorded military conquest on walls of stone temples He had a superior navy that conquered many territories along the Meditarrian
Amenhotep Monotheistic theory of religion, wanted to have Egyptians only one god Aton Once he convinced priests to remove symbols of all other gods from temples Changes his name to Akenaton Creates serious division in Egypt Dies in 1361 BC Power goes to his 8 year old son-in-law
Tutahkhamon Boy ruler Drops Aton’s name for Amon Returns Egypt to traditional religious practices Dies at a early age Is succeeded by Rames II
Rames II Continues the conquest of lands and peoples 67 year reign Revives empire by battling the Hittites of Asia Minor So great are his victories he raises monuments in his honor
Decline of Egyptian rule By 1090 BC there is eternal turmoil and civil wars that leave Egypt too weak to fight invaders The Sea peoples from Aegean gain the Nile delta Followed by the Persians and the Assyrians both groups conquer Egypt In 331 BC Alexander the Great conquers the Nile lands Queen Cleopatra was the last ruler who tried to return Egypt to greatness In 31 BC the Romans defeated Cleopatra's forces and Egypt is absorbed by the Roman empire