Steven Dodge English 30, Section 1 Professor Smith
Vick-torious Rhetoric “Vick and Media Hysteria” by Colin Benjamin of Black Star News = Important?
The Printed Text
The Blog
YOU! What’s a Blog? According to Blogger, a blog can be anything. your blog =
? Why a Blog?
My Audience The audience for my argument is vast.
However, my audience is mostly NFL fans Focus However, my audience is mostly NFL fans
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“SCD IST 110H”
This just in Vick’s legal situation is ongoing…………..
July 18, 2007 December 1, 2007
My Sources Works Cited Benjamin, Colin. “Michael Vick and Media Hysteria.” 28 August 2007. Black Star News. 3 September 2007. <>. Corbett, Edward P.J. and Rosa A. Eberly. The Elements of Reasoning Second Edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon: 2001. 1-48. “Dog fighting in the United States.” 30 August 2007. Wikimedia Foundation Incorporated. 3 September 2007. < #What_is_dog_fighting.3F>. Keilman, John. “Leaving Behind Michael Vick’s No. 7.” 2 September 2007. Chicago Tribune. 3 September 2007. <,0,2537745.story>. “Michael Vick Case Draws Large Audience.” 28 August 2007. The Pew Research Center For the People and the Press. 3 September 2007. <>. “Michael Vick.” 2 September 2007. Wikimedia Foundation Incorporated. 3 September 2007. <>. “The PETA Files: Vick Archive.” August 28, 2007. PETA. 3 September 2007. <>.
Hyperlinks instead of in text citations
The Power of the Internet
Flow Introduction fractured into five separate blog posts