Where are we now and where are we going. 2015-2016 The yearS of ACE Where are we now and where are we going.
ACE lets get started 165 Days until February 28, 2016 ACE Portal ACE Business Rules Cargo Release Version 1.2 Entry Summary Version 4 ACE Entry Summary Unified Filing (ISF and Cargo Release with Entry Summary ACE Cargo Release Full release info Minimal amount needed to receive release. PGA’s
What caN we do and what cant we do ? PGA’s that are available for your Cargo Release Entry Types available as of today for Entry Summary and Cargo Release None There are Pilot programs for EPA and FSIS but you have to sign up to participate in those When is everything else going to be ready on the PGA’s? Type 01, 03 and 11 What can we file on Entry Summary? Everything except Lacey Act (Coming August 19th to an entry summary near you).
CSMS# 15-000690 - ACE Cargo Release Chapter Updated 09/15/2015 05:21 PM EDT Automated Broker Interface The ACE Cargo Release chapter has been updated and can be found at this link: http://www.cbp.gov/document/guidance/cargo-release-ace- catair-chapter
Current Benefits of Filing Entry Data Through ACE Benefits of ACE Entry Summary: Eliminate submitting Form 7501 (paper entry summaries) Request ACE cargo entry certification from ACE entry summary File Antidumping/Countervailing Duty entry summaries (Entry Type 03) using Remote Location Filing (RLF) Process Census warning and overrides electronically through ACE Transmit Post Summary Corrections (PSC) electronically, receive refunds quicker Gain access to an expanded AD/CVD query Obtain more information from the ACE Entry Summary query Benefits of ACE Cargo Release Entry: Eliminate submitting paper Form 3461 (entry document) File shipment data prior to carrier notifying CBP of departure Receive status updates prior to cargo arrival No need to submit corrections through a paper form Make corrections to cargo entry data electronically
48 Agencies. When will they be ready for entry processing? Participating other Government Agencies 48 Agencies. When will they be ready for entry processing?
Food and Drug New requirements BIO Biologics COP Combined Products COS Cosmetics DEV Medical Devices DRU Drugs FOO Foods RAD Radiation Emitting Products TOB Tobacco VME Veterinary Drugs
CBP and 15 PGAs identified with requirements that must be incorporated into ACE in order to meet the November 1 date for mandatory filing of entry and entry summaries Department Agency Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Department of Commerce National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Enforcement and Compliance (E&C) Department of Defense Defense Contracts Management Agency (DCMA) Department of Health & Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Department of State Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Department of Treasury Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade (TTB) Independent Agencies Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Your Software Program Things to do in the program to get ready Turn all your customers on to ACE E/S in Customer Maintenance Add the SE Customer preference to your Customers in Customer Maintenance How to transmit for the next 165 days in either Program ACS or ACE(on and off button) Contact ABI and get your Document Imaging System Turned on (DIS) Contact Customs if your joining a Pilot PGA so they can turn your program on with CBP Set up a procedure to Check the Open Document Program Set up a procedure to manage your Census Warnings Set up a procedure to manage your Post Summary Corrections(PSC) Set up training for your employees and discuss the differences in ACE and ACS
Staff TRainING How to read the ABI Messages that come back How to turn the ACE indicator off How to review and respond to Census Warnings How to Transmit Post Summary Corrections When to use the DIS in your Software Program, The ACE Portal or E mail. NEVER send paper documents
Now lets see what our plan is Customers Files able to do E/S Files able to do C/R Office 1 82 95 15 Office 2 76 88 10 Office 3 84 90 Office 4 92 85 5 Review your current Customers Get a plan. How fast can you get your staff ready Are you going to do it one office at a time Are you going to do it one Customer at a time
Agency Board Lead Contacts
Agency Board Lead Contacts
Agency Board Lead Contacts
Agency Board Lead Contacts
Participating Agency Points of Contact
Participating Agency Points of Contact
FDA PGA Pilot FDA_PGA_MS_8_27_2015_21266.pdf
CPSC PGA PILOT Questions regarding the test should be directed to Jim Joholske, Deputy Director, Office of Import Surveillance, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, (301) 504-7527, efilingpilot@cpsc.gov. Questions sent by electronic mail should contain the subject heading “Question re PGA Message Set Test.” For technical questions regarding ACE or ABI transmissions, or the PGA message set data transmission, please contact your assigned CBP client representative. Interested parties without an assigned client representative should submit an email to Steven Zaccaro at steven.j.zaccaro@cbp.dhs.gov.
NMFS PGA PILOT For technical questions related to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) or ABI transmissions, contact your assigned client representative. Interested parties without an assigned client representative should direct their questions to Steven Zaccaro at steven.j.zaccaro@cbp.dhs.gov. For PGA related questions, contact Emi Wallace (CBP) at mailto: emi.r.wallace@cbp.dhs.gov and for NMFS related questions contact Dale Jones (NMFS) at dale.jones@noaa.gov.
TTB PGA PILOT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information about the filing instructions or the pilot program, contact John Kyranos, Regulations and Rulings Division, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 1310 G Street NW., Box 12, Washington, DC 20005; telephone (202) 453–1039, extension 001; or email regulations@ttb.gov. For technical questions related to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) or Automated Broker Interface (ABI) transmissions, contact Steven Zaccaro at steven.j.zaccaro@ cbp.dhs.gov.
APHIS/LACEY PGA PILOT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical questions related to the Automated Commercial Environment or Automated Broker Interface transmissions, contact your assigned CBP client representative. Interested parties without an assigned client representative should direct their questions to Mr. Steven Zaccaro U.S. Customs and Border Protection, DHS, 1400 L Street NW., 2nd floor, Washington, DC 20229–1225; steven.j.zaccaro@cbp.dhs.gov. For PGA-related questions, contact Ms. Emi Wallace (CBP), U.S. Customs and Border Protection, DHS, 1400 L Street NW., 2nd floor, Washington, DC 20229–1225; emi.r.wallace@ cbp.dhs.gov. For Lacey Act-related questions, contact Ms. Parul Patel, Senior Agriculturalist, Regulations, Permits, and Manuals, PPQ, APHIS, 4700 River Road Unit 150, Riverdale, MD 20737– 1231; 301–851–2351; Parul.R.Patel@aphis.usda.gov.
AMS PGA PILOT Any party seeking to participate in the AMS PGA Message Set test should contact their CBP client representative. Interested parties without an assigned CBP client representative should submit an email to Richard Lower at Richard.Lower@ams.usda.gov with the subject heading ‘‘AMS PGA Message Set Test FRNRequest to Participate.’’ Interested parties may submit comments about the pilot at any time as explained in the ADDRESSES section below. ADDRESSES: Interested parties without an assigned CBP client representative should submit an email to Richard Lower at Richard.Lower@ams.usda.gov with the subject heading ‘‘AMS PGA Message Set Test FRN-Request to Participate.’’
ATF PGA PILOT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William E. Majors, Chief, Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch, Firearms and Explosives Services Division, Enforcement Programs and Services; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; U.S. Department of Justice; 244 Needy Road, Martinsburg,WV 25401; telephone: (304) 616–4589; fax: (304) 616–4551; email: William.Majors@atf.gov. For technical questions regarding ACE or ABI transmissions, or the PGA message set data transmission, please contact your assigned CBP client representative. Interested parties without an assigned client representative should submit an email to Steven Zaccaro at steven.j.zaccaro@cbp.dhs.gov.
NHTSA PGA PILOT CBP is seeking additional participants to file ACE Cargo Release transactions that require NHTSA data to be submitted. Filers interested in participating in this pilot should coordinate with their software vendor to ensure they have the ability to transmit these entries prior to contacting CBP. For interested parties, please send an email to Steve Zaccaro (steven.j.zaccaro@cbp.dhs.gov) and John Handy (john.handy@cbp.dhs.gov) requesting participation in the NHTSA Pilot.
Links to PGA Info Agency File Version Posting Date Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) AMS CATAIR Guidelines 1.1 May 21, 2015 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) ACE PGA Message Set Adapted Data Element Record Layout (CORE) 4.6 August 28, 2015 Lacey Act Declaration ACE Guidance 2.9 August 18, 2015 Lacey Act Declaration ACE Samples August 18, 2015 ATF Supplemental Guidance for ACE 1.7 July 29, 2015 DDTC Implementation Guide 1.5 May 5, 2015 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Supplemental CATAIR Guidelines 6.2 May 15, 2015 PGA Message Set Samples 6.0 May 13, 2015 Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Implementation Guide and Reference Tables -- August 17, 2015 Food and Drug Administration Supplemental Guide 2.3 National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) PGA Message Set Manual - July 23, 2015 National marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) PGA Message Set Guidelines June 15, 2015 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) Filing Instructions 7.0 July 31, 2015 Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) PGA Message Set 2.0 March 9, 2015
CSMS# 15-000692 - Request for Participants: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Trade Working Group 09/16/2015 11:18 AM EDT Automated Broker Interface PLEASE REFERENCE THE ATTACHMENT FOR DETAILS ON THE WORKING GROUP. Attention, Brokers, Importers, and Software Developers The International Trade Data System (ITDS) Committee of the Trade Support Network (TSN) needs your input and participation in an upcoming ACE/ITDS DEA Working Group under the auspices of the Security and Accountability for Every Port Act (SAFE Port Act) and in accordance with the ITDS protocols for implementing ACE/ITDS in the spirit of the February 2014 Executive Order on Streamlining the Export/Import Process for America’s Businesses. Working Group Purpose The purpose of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) ACE/ITDS Working Group will be to ensure that all stakeholders are invited to participate in a discussion of the technical solution and data elements that will be required by the DEA in the new cargo release and control functionality of ACE/ITDS. Primarily the workgroup will focus on the IT related issues associated with implementing the ACE/ITDS. The working group will consist of members of the international trade community, including trade software developers, that import commodities into the United States that are regulated by the DEA. Officials from the DEA and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that are working on the development and deployment of ACE/ITDS will be part of this working group. The engagement in ACE/ITDS will require electronic submissions of all DEA required import data for cargo admissibility processing, in an XML format under a NIEM standard. Your involvement is needed to ensure that the transition to ACE/ITDS will continue to support efficient and timely cargo releases while in compliance with DEA requirements. Working Group Task The working group is tasked with assuring that all technical and data requirements are transitioned to ACE/ITDS in a seamless, efficient, and timely manner, and in particular, that the ACE data assists the CBP to execute its import processing and review duties. ACE/ITDS will allow more efficient government decision-making associated with goods arriving at the border, reducing the time for clearing goods from many days to, in some cases, seconds. This will dramatically speed the flow of legitimate commerce across our borders. Furthermore, coordinated and automated messaging about these decisions will increase predictability in the private sector and allow them to plan supply chain movements with greater confidence and less cost. ACE/ITDS once deployed will decommission the current system known as Automated Commercial System (ACS). The official “single-window” system of record will be known as ACE. ACE will require that all data related to ACE Cargo Release and Control be submitted electronically under the Partner Government Agency (PGA) Message Set. Working Group Commitment Working Group participants should be prepared to commit to weekly conference calls typically of a 2-hour duration over a four to six-week period. A more definitive schedule will be determined at the Working Group’s first meeting. The teleconferences will focus on the business process and technical data flows required for the above-referenced DEA Message Sets in order to define the programming and operational guidelines to be implemented by CBP, DEA, importers, and importer brokers when filing and processing entries for products subject to DEA jurisdiction at US borders. Regulatory and policy issues are outside the scope of this working group. To participate in the DEA ACE/ITDS Working Group please send your contact information to the persons listed below by cob Wednesday, September 23, 2015: Frank Korpusik frank.j.korpusik@cbp.dhs.gov Sandra Scott Sandra.scott@sekologistics.com Stuart Schmidt Schmidt.stuart@ups.com
2015-2016 The years of ACE