Can it be separated by physical means? A. Matter Flowchart MATTER no yes Can it be separated by physical means? PURE SUBSTANCE MIXTURE Can it be decomposed by chemical means? no yes Homogeneous Mixture (solution) Heterogeneous Mixture Is the composition uniform? no yes Element Compound
B. Pure Substances Element matter composed of identical atoms EX: copper
B. Pure Substances Compound matter composed of 2 or more elements in a fixed ratio properties differ from those of individual elements EX: salt (NaCl)
Heterogeneous Mixture C. Mixtures Non-specific combination of 2 or more pure substances. Two Types of Mixtures Homogeneous Mixture even distribution of components EX: saline solution Heterogeneous Mixture uneven distribution of components EX: granite
A. Physical Property A characteristic of matter that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of its matter or having to react it with another substance. can be used to separate mixtures and identify substances EX: color, state of matter, density, odor, ductility, malleability, conductivity, luster, magnetic, mass & volume
Density Solids, liquids and gases are matter, so they all have density.
Determining Density To find the density of a material, you need to know the mass and volume of a solid sample of the material. Mass is measured with a balance or scale. Use the displacement method or calculate the volume.
B. Physical Change Physical changes occur when matter changes its property but not its chemical nature. Physical changes could include a change in: texture, shape, size, color, odor, volume, mass, state Ex. Boil, evaporate, dissolve, break, split, crack, grind, cut, crush, and bend.
Physical Change Remember! properties remain the same can be used to separate mixtures
Physical Change
C. Chemical Property Describes how a material reacts with another substance. EX: flammability, reactivity
D. Chemical Change During a chemical change, properties change and new substances are formed. Signs: color change, formation of a gas/solid, release of light/heat Ex. Oxidation – tarnishing/rusting exploding, burning, fermenting, digesting, rotting
Chemical Change A chemical change occurs when fireworks are used. Fireworks are made of metals such as magnesium and copper. These change chemically as they light up the sky.
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Card Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game
Physical & Chemical Changes Game