Please send in a $3 donation for Halloween Goody Bags October 1, 2018 Mrs. Edwards & Mrs. Hester 5th Grade Newsletter kedwards@effingham, Upcoming Dates October 4- Early Dismissal 12:45 & Parent Teacher Conferences October 5-9- Fall Holidays October 12- PTSO Birthday Celebration 2:30 October 19- School Photos October 22- Fair Parade in Springfield October 26- PTSO Popcorn & Coke $1.00 October 31- PBIS Trick or Treat, Goodie Bags go home Tests and Quizzes Math-Oct. 16 Social Studies-Unit 2 Oct. 3 Word Study-Oct. 4 Word Study Every other week students are given 10 words. On Fridays, the teacher will pick 5 of those words as part of their spelling test. They will also be responsible for knowing the definition and how to correctly use the word. Unit 16: Nature of the Beast (anim, carne, carn, phys) animal animate animator inanimate carnivorous reincarnate physical physician physics physicist Make sure your child is reading EVERY NIGHT! We Are Learning About… Math- Multiplying Decimals Science-Review Physical and Chemical Changes, and Electricity Reading-Review (Theme, Main Idea, POV, Comparing Characters) Novel Study- Orphan of Ellis Island Grammar and Writing-Opinion Writing; Review (Conjunctions, Interjections, and Prepositions) Social Studies-World War I, Roaring 20s Please send in a $3 donation for Halloween Goody Bags Please check our website for study guides, newsletters, etc. -Ebenezer Elementary -Teachers -Our Name . Specials Schedule for the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday E-PE E-Music E-Art H-Music H-Media H-PE