Ms. Yeung’s Grade Five 5Y September 25- 29th What we are learning E-mail: September 25- 29th What we are learning Notes/Reminders: Language: We will be finishing up our first mystery writing task this week and move onto our next unit: ‘Narratives’. Our literacy focus this week is developing strong reading strategies. In grammar, we will be learning about present and past participles and identifying irregular verbs. Math: We will focus a lot of practice in adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers. Our Math-builder program will be added onto our regular program to provide additional practice skills. Social Studies: We will do a general study of Canada’s First Nations –their culture, traditions, creation stories, government, and way of living. Science: We will be working in groups and creating a digestive system model out of recyclable materials. Arts: We will study Piet Mondrian’s style of art and create a reflection of his artwork using our own names. Please get connected onto Class Dojo so I can send communication out to all parents Our Fall Chandos trip is coming up from October 2 to 4th. Please refer to the packing list for all information. Should you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We are in need for empty 2L soda bottles for a Chandos activity! Thank you! Memory Verse this Week: Hebrews 11:6 Extended Learning at Home Books we are reading: School Events: Soccer Tournament will be held on September 29th! Good luck! Celebrations: Upcoming Assessments: Spelling and Bible memory verse test will be on Friday September 29th.