Consistency of Teacher Judgement PDHPE 7-10
Assessment in PDHPE Assessment for learning Assessment of learning Point in time judgement Made against syllabus standards, CPDs or A-E scale ongoing process provides direction for teaching and learning
The relationship between A-E Grades and CPDs Year 7 Semester 1 A-E reporting scale used to make judgements on student achievement related to the syllabus outcomes and content taught during that semester only. Semester 2 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 BOS CPDs used to make judgement It is important to recognise the different roles that the A-E reporting scales and CPDs have in assessment and reporting. CPDS are only used at the end of Stage 5 (Year 10) to make a judgement on student achievement during Year 10 for the SC award. Reporting scales are used for each reporting period e.g. at the end of each Semester. Schools are required to make judgements of student achievement based on the syllabus content and outcomes covered for that semester only. This is a point in time judgement about the content the students has accessed during that semester.
A-E Grades At the beginning of a reporting period, teachers will consider what students are expected to learn. At the end of the reporting period, teachers will consider how well students have achieved. This is reported by using the common A-E grade scale. At the beginning of a reporting period, teachers will consider what students are expected to learn. That is, the knowledge, skills and understanding that is typically spelt out in the syllabuses and the teaching/learning programs developed by schools. At the end of the reporting period, teachers will consider how well students have achieved. This is addressed by using the common A-E grade scale which summarises the degree to which students have demonstrated their achievement of the knowledge, skills and understanding they have had the opportunity to learn. How well takes into account the breadth and depth of their learning.
Common Grade Scale Grade Grade Descriptions A B C D E The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations. B The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations. C The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills. D The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills. E The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.
Course Performance Descriptors Course performance descriptors describe the main features of a typical student's performance at each grade measured against the syllabus standards. The final judgement of the most appropriate grade is made on the basis of available assessment information and with reference to the course performance descriptors. Course performance descriptors have been developed for each course. They describe the main features of a typical student's performance at each grade measured against the syllabus objectives and outcomes for the course. You will make the final judgement of the most appropriate grade on the basis of available assessment information and with reference to the course performance descriptors. The grades awarded should reflect the relative emphasis placed on the assessable objectives of school programs and the syllabus. For example, where a school has placed considerable emphasis on the development of research skills, that emphasis should be reflected in the assessment program.
What is consistency? Consistency in relation to assessment occurs when teachers are able to make judgements about student learning that are not dependent on: the individual teacher student location time. These are based on a shared understanding of syllabus standards of learning.
Why do we need consistency? To: Develop shared or common interpretations of standards and expectations of what constitutes achievement of syllabus standards Develop shared understandings of what students’ achievements look like Develop accuracy and reliability in making judgements Ensure judgements are equitable in terms of implications for student learning Strengthen the value of teachers’ judgements Inform well-targeted teaching programs
How can consistency be developed? Participate in professional dialogue with colleagues. Develop a common task across the grade and corporate mark. Select individual work samples and discuss what the student demonstrates in the sample. Build in structured time to meet with faculty members to discuss consistency issues. Review work samples from other schools and discuss allocation of grades.
How can consistency be developed?
Getting to know the standards You become familiar with the standards by reading the descriptions for each grade the tasks and activities the work samples, and the grade commentaries.
Getting to know the standards Think of students who have produced work of a similar standard to develop a “mental picture” of the knowledge, skills and understanding represented by that grade. Discussions with your colleagues may also be helpful.
Participate in professional dialogue Discuss the syllabus framework Discuss outcomes and what they mean Share interpretations and understandings Use work samples collaboratively Shared understanding of student achievement at a particular point
Using Work Samples Work samples aligned to grades assist teachers to have a clear understanding of the standards at each grade level. Teachers can use this information to assist them to consistently apply the Common Grade Scale to award grades to students. For each subject area in each stage, the samples of student work, together, show the standard of work typically produced by students performing at that grade level.
Using Work Samples The samples of work for a subject area for a particular grade, when taken collectively, enable teachers to clearly see the quality of work typically produced by students who will be awarded each grade at the end of the stage.
Assessment of learning in PDHPE Allocation of grades Point in time judgement Made against syllabus standards, CPDs or A-E scale
Allocating Grades Decision about the most appropriate grade should be an on-balance professional judgement that: is based on evidence gathered in a number of assessment activities, across a range of contexts and over a period of time gives greater weight to those activities undertaken towards the end of the course considers the maximum level of demonstrated student achievement represents the best overall description of the student's achievement, at the end of Stage 5.
Choosing the right grade Reporting with grades requires teachers to use their on-balance judgement in relation to standards. This is a key professional skill.
Choosing the right grade An on-balance judgment does not just focus on a single piece of work. Teachers weigh up the assessment information collected for a student up to that point in time. This information will come from both formal assessment activities and informal observations and will be built up over time and in different situations.
Processes for developing consistency collaboratively plan teaching programs which clearly state the intended learning collaboratively develop common assessment practices and/ tasks examine student work against the syllabus standards.
Collaborative planning and quality assessment processes Develop appropriate learning and assessment activities Examine tasks to determine standard expected Examine work samples against standards Establish cut-offs between the grade levels Go to PDHPE Unit website for a detailed process at:
Resources Curriculum K-12 website PDHPE Email ListServe To register send an email to Board of Studies web site Assessment Resource Centre NSW HSC Online PDHPE HSC Assessment Bank
Contacts For further information contact: Rosemary Davis CEO PDHPE Ph: 9886 7651 Janice Atkin Senior Curriculum Adviser PDHPE Ph: 9886 7684