Associate Member Program XX Chapter “Promote Friendship & Develop Character” The Delta Chi Fraternity
Who have I chosen to surround myself with (up until joining Delta Chi) Who have I chosen to surround myself with (up until joining Delta Chi)? What did I have in common with these people? The Delta Chi Fraternity
The Johari Window Activity (From the PDP) The Delta Chi Fraternity
What is in your “open” window? What is in your “hidden” window? The Delta Chi Fraternity
Trust & Vulnerability is Important in this Process. The Delta Chi Fraternity
Campus Reputation Activity The Delta Chi Fraternity
The Delta Chi Fraternity
The Reputation of Delta Chi Our Reputation How We Know This (Or why would other people think this?) The Delta Chi Fraternity
Workbook Reflection (Answer the reflection questions in your workbook The Delta Chi Fraternity The Delta Chi Fraternity
What are your initial reactions to the video What are your initial reactions to the video? What does accountability have to do with reputation? How can we enhance the reputation of Delta Chi on our campus? The Delta Chi Fraternity
Closing What is one aspect of the fraternity I am most interested in committing to? The Delta Chi Fraternity