You are all amazing. Also, this is a subtitle. Good Morning Advisory Greeting: Compliments Share: Weirdest thing you ever did see… Activity: “Hour of coding week” You are all amazing. Also, this is a subtitle.
Journal: What does this letter mean to you? Translate Dear Simon, I am using my favorite stationery to write you this letter because it is very important and I want you to be able to keep this documentation. I have discovered an artifact that I predict is older than one millennium. I believe the artifact is derived from an ancient culture from Peru, and from the inscription on the bottom of the vase, I believe I am being warned NOT to show the artifact to any museums or anthropologists. Sincerely, Anna Lee
Agenda We are going to define 22 words today. Tomorrow, you will have a make up work day in your classes. Many of you must finish our quiz from Friday. Thursday, we will do a scavenger hunt in the text book and review vocabulary. Friday, we will read a short informational text and complete the graphic organizer.
to emphasize important information easier to read Essential Question to emphasize important information easier to read
Title Identifies the topic of the text and tells what the text will be about
Subtitle (or Subheading) Gives the reader more information about the topic of the text
Table of Contents Tells the names of the chapters and on what page they can be found
Index Tells on what pages the reader can find certain topics
Glossary Tells the definitions of some of the words found in a text
Heading Divides the text into sections and explains what the section will be about
Picture/Photograph Shows what something looks like so that you can visualize it and understand better!
Caption Explains what a photograph or illustration is about Thanks Captain Obvious! Or should I say CAPTION Obvious!
Graph Organizes and helps compare information in a visual way Laziest giraffe ever? Laziest graph ever OOH! What text feature is this right now?
Table Organizes facts and numbers in a visual way so they are easier to read and understand
Bold Print Shows what words are important or what words can be found in the glossary
Italics <- Slanty-slanty words Shows what a word is important, can place special emphasis on an idea
Bullet Points Makes lists easier to read and understand
Additional piece of helpful information at the bottom of a page Footnote Additional piece of helpful information at the bottom of a page
Artifact An ancient (very, very old) object, made by humans, that has historical or cultural value
Communal Referring to a group This photo shows a Communal dinner party. In college, there were communal bathrooms that everyone had to share.
Derived To get something from a specific source/place Ex. Lebanon bologna is derived from a factory in Lebanon.
Inscription Words that are carved or engraved in something, usually as a monument
Millennium A period of 1,000 years
Stationery Writing paper, with envelops
Utilize To make good/effective use of something
Yields Produce or provide OOH! What text feature?