CAB Forum Nov/Dec 2018 Professor Stephen Naylor Chair, Academic Board This is an alternative title page with space for images.
Agenda Academic Board Minutes Nov summary Key presentations from Academic Board Policies Reports Q & A
Reports VICE CHANCELLOR Review into Higher Education Provider Category Standards Student Load (262 EFTSL or -7.9 per cent decline in commencing CSP) JCU’s Renewal of Registration Celebrating Excellence in Learning and Teaching at JCU Awards CHAIRPERSON OF THE ACADEMIC BOARD • CABS Conference in Adelaide • JCU Online/Keypath Working Group meeting • IRU Senior Leaders Forum "University campuses in the era of digital transformation" CHAIR OF THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE Good Science = Great Business 2018: An Australian Festival of Innovation held in Singapore intervention by the Federal Government in a number of Australian Research Council grant applications in the Arts and Humanities CHAIR OF THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE JCU Citation and Inclusive Practice Awards Winners; Digital Transformations – Phase I Update and Phase II Plan Blackboard Catalyst Award for Innovation and Change 2018 Graduate Certificate of Education (Academic Practice) at JCUS
HDR Matters MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY RENEWAL PROJECT re-develop the University’s existing Master of Philosophy (MPhil) program as an alternative to the proposed Master of Research (MRES) Approved the refreshed MPhil would have its own structure and resources and be developed in three different phases of administrative, strategic and pedagogic approaches. These would include a strong emphasis on flexibility, simplicity, industry partnerships and collaboration and a shift from teach – apply – assess to learn – apply – reflect – communicate;
2018 POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE (PREQ) REPORT insufficient responses to warrant examination on a year-by-year basis and consequently responses were analysed over a two-year period; One of the low points was intellectual climate, despite many years of the research climate being built up across the University there was a statistically significant difference between the feedback provided by part-time and female students, and other students. These two groups scored lower on the satisfaction scale females worked well in communities and the University needed to provide an environment that broke down isolation
the Bachelor of Education (primary) would be offered online via Keypath in response to an 18% decline in enrolments for face-to-face delivery across the nation over recent years. With a 12% increase in online enrolments it was expected that the online enrolment rate would continue to climb.
Two Big Ticket Items
HOT TOPIC – A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A (DEPUTY) VICE CHANCELLOR STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES – MR ARGENT AND MS MILLER The Board received a presentation by Mr Argent on behalf of himself and Ms Miller that focused on students and what they felt would be issues that would occupy the mind of a Deputy Vice Chancellor with regard to their students. The presentation highlighted life skills under the areas of budget, time management, healthy eating and mental health.
STUDENT – TIMELINE their JCU journey
POLICY AMENDMENTS STUDENT DIGITAL EXPERIENCE POLICY that the proposed Student Digital Experience Policy, be approved; and that the draft Position Paper for the development of procedures for the Student Digital Experience Policy, be noted. CONSEQUENTIAL CHANGES TO POLICIES ARISING FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STUDENT APPEALS POLICY AND PROCEDURES ANNUAL REVIEW OF CHARTER AND DISESTABLISHMENT OF THE STANDING ORDERS OF ACADEMIC BOARD PROVISION FOR DEFENCE FORCE RESERVISTS ENROLLED AS JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY STUDENTS the Proposed Provision for Defence Reservists Enrolled as JCU Students Policy, as amended, be approved; that Professor Legatt in consultation with the Chief of Staff and Director, Student Services investigate the status of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Australian Defence Force in relation to serving personnel for potential inclusion in the policy: and that the establishment of the Student Defence Reservists Procedure, be noted.
YourJCU Survey Strategy Response rates and proposed evaluation
Student Advisory Forum Report.
JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY SINGAPORE (JCUS) ACADEMIC COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE (ACC) REPORT Academic Governance Review of policies and procedures on academic matters for the PEI and facilitate implementation of compliance with such policies and procedures: NEAS Accreditation (Quality Assurance) Supervised Tests for In-Country Representative (1st EPT) Student Tracking – to introduce a new procedure to document any lapses Curriculum Planning, Design & Review Foundation Extended DipHE in Psy Sc Master of Planning and Urban Design (MPUD subjects will be offered in SP53) Grad Cert in Education (ED5300 done in June, ED5301 done in October) Research HDR Fees Options: To raise at EMG, to write to MOE allowing JCU HDR (international) students to work as a TA or Research Assistants Tuition Fee Waiver for HDR Launch of Tropical Future Institute – 27 September 2018
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