Sociological Perspective & Theorists A Breakdown of Functionalism, Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interactionism Unit 1
#1 Functionalists
Functionalism Functionalism views society as a system of interrelated parts According to functionalists, society is relatively stable, which means that things occur in society for a specific function and those functions help maintain stability. Social institutions such as the family, economy,& educational system are critical for society to function properly.
Functionalist Theorists Auguste Comte Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim
Auguste Comte Comte coined the term sociology. AKA = the Father of Sociology Felt that sociology should strive to discover social laws Positivism = using scientific observation in the study of social behaviors
Herbert Spencer Spencer’s study of sociology was influenced by Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Spencer viewed society as a biological organism, and as such, it can evolve, thrive, or die.
Emile Durkheim Durkheim was one of the first true sociologists in that he used “data” to test his theories. Durkheim’s work suggested that solidarity is a vital component that holds society together. Solidarity holds society together because people see themselves as unified.
#2 Conflict Theorists
Conflict Theorists Karl Marx Harriet Martineau W.E.B.du Bois Jane Addams
Conflict Theorist’s Worldview Conflict theory is a theoretical framework that views society in a struggle for scarce resources. Two main concerns for conflict theorists are economic wealth and power. Suggests that a pyramid structure of power and wealth exists in society. The elite at the top determine the rules for all those below.
Karl Marx Marx suggested that in a capitalist system, the bourgeoisie or members of the capitalist class, own most of the wealth because they control the businesses. Marx called the workers in a capitalist system the proletariat, the poor working class of society. The proletariat do all the work and the owners reap all the benefits.
Harriet Martineau Martineau (one of the first female sociologists) focused on the economic system & its inequality between the sexes. She points out how men hold the majority of power in society. Also pointed out how some people do not receive the same opportunities as others.
W.E.B. du Bois W.E.B. Du Bois was the first to study racial inequality in the U.S. He was a social activist, fighting for equality He used science & sociology to disprove racist assumptions about African Americans
Jane Addams Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 The settlement house movement was popular Supported the idea that poverty results from ignorance, not from failings of the person Addams opened Hull House in Chicago in 1889 The 3 Hull House rules Workers would live in the slums Every person had dignity and worth Dedication & education can overcome ignorance & poverty Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931
#3 Both a Functionalist & a Conflict Theorist
Functionalist & Conflict Theorist Max Weber A special sociologist because he cannot be labeled under just one theory. So he’s classified in 2 theories.
Max Weber-The Functionalist Weber proposed that rational and ideal bureaucracies naturally occur because we need them. They provide clear lines of authority, divide tasks so workers can specialize, and clearly define rules and expectations.
Max Weber- The Conflict Theorists Weber accepted Karl Marx’s ideas that social classes influence our outcomes However he felt that Marx’s social class system was too simple. Weber proposed that all people have economic, political, and cultural conflicts that are related to their relative social position.