High Altitude & Deep Sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Acclimatization to High altitude Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Over 40 million people in the world Live and work at terrestrial elevations between 10,000 ft and 18,000 ft Theses ranges are considered High altitudes Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving In the Andes and Himalayas Natives inhabit permanent settlements At elevations 18,000 ft above sea level Prolonged exposure of un-acclimatized individual Can cause death from hypoxia Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Hypoxia of High Altitude As one ascends to high altitudes One encounters problems associated with Hypoxia ↑ Radiation Exposure to cold Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Hypoxia of High Altitude Basic causes of hypoxia As altitude increases Barometric pressure falls % composition of air does not change appreciably Partial pressure of respiratory gases fall Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Hypoxia of High Altitude At an altitude of 18,000 ft (5,500m) Barometric pressure is ½ normal 380 mm Hg PO2 of moist inspired air (380 – 47)*0.2093 = 70 mm Hg Note summit of Kilimanjaro 19,536 ft (5963 m) Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Hypoxia of High Altitude At summit of Everest 29,028 ft Barometric pressure = 250 mm Hg PO2 of moist inspired gas = 43 mm Hg At altitude of 63,000 ft Barometric pressure = 47 mm Hg PO2 of moist inspired gas = 0 mm Hg 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effects of High Altitude on Bar Pressure & PO2 Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effects of High Altitude on Bar Pressure & PO2 Altitude (ft) Pressure mm Hg PO2 in air mm Hg Remarks 63,000 47 10 50,313 86 18 40,000 141 30 Severe O2 lack despite use of 100% O2 33,500 190 40 ¼atmos, Mt. Everest 29,028 (250mm Hg) 20,000 349 73 Danger to life unless O2 added to inspired air 18,000 380 70 ½atmos, Kili 19,360 ft 10,000 523 110 >12,000 definite O2 lack 760 159 Up to 8,000 safe zone 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitude Vs PAO2, PACO2, O2sat% 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitude Vs PAO2, PACO2, O2sat% (ft) Bar Press (mmHg) PO2 (mm Hg) PAO2 (mm Hg) PACO2 (mm Hg) Art O2 Sat% 63,000 47 10 24 30,000 226 21 20 20,000 349 73 40 70 10,000 323 110 76 36 90 760 159 104 97 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Hypoxia of High Altitude Effects of CO2 and water vapour Even at high altitude CO2 production is still there Water vaporizes in alveoli Leading to dilution of alveolar O2 concentration PAO2 = (PB – PCO2 – 47) Kilimanjaro 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effect Of Breathing Pure O2 Space that was occupied by Nitrogen Is now occupied by oxygen This improves the % saturation of Hb with oxygen 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effect Of Breathing Pure O2 Breathing Air Breathing 100% O2 Altitude Barr pressure PAO2 mm Hg % Sat 30,000 21 30 139 99 40,000 12 15 58 87 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effects Of Breathing Pure O2 An aviator breathing oxygen in an un-pressurized air craft Can ascend to far higher altitudes than one not breathing pure O2 Limit for an un-acclimatized individual Arterial O2 saturation of 50% Only for a short time exposure of hypoxia 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effects Of Breathing Pure O2 This occurs at an altitude of 23,000 ft In an un-pressurized plane % when Individual not breathing pure oxygen When individual is breathing pure oxygen PAO2 remain 90% Up to altitude of 39,000 ft Falls to 50% at 47,000 ft 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effects of Acute Hypoxia Begin at about 12,000 ft Drowsiness, lastitude Mental & muscle fatigue Headaches, nausea Euphoria Above 18,000 ft Muscular twitches & convulsions Above 23,000 ft Coma, death 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acclimatization: Respiration ↑ pulmonary ventilation Hyperventilation Exposure to low PO2 stimulate chemoreceptors Stimulate respiration Leads to 65% increase in alveolar ventilation 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acclimatization: Respiration This is an immediate compensation for high altitude Makes it possible for a person to ascend thousands feet The ↑ in alveolar ventilation decreases CO2 ↓ PCO2 and ↑ pH Both leads to inhibition of respiration Tend to oppose stimulatory effect of hypoxia 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acclimatization: Respiration After 2 to 5 days Inhibition fades away Ventilation ↑ 3 to 7 times the normal level Active pumping of HCO3- from CSF Cause ↓ pH in CSF Chemoreceptors are once more stimulated 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acclimatization: O2 Transport Haemoglobin Hypoxia causes release of erythropoeitin ↑ production of RBCs Polycythemia Haematocrit increases From 40 – 45% to 60 – 65% Hbg increase from 15gm% to 22 gm% 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acclimatization: O2 Transport Total result is ↑ in circulating Hbg 50% to 90% more than normal Polycythemia Increase viscosity However, these adaptive changes Slow to develop Take about 2 – 3 weeks Become fully developed after many moths 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acclimatization: O2 Transport ↓ affinity of Hbg for O2 Effect of ↑ 2:3 DPG Shift O2 –Hb dissociation curve to the right Diffusion capacity of lung for O2 21 ml/mmHg/min Increases up to 3 times more 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Acclimatization Increased capillary density ↑ the number of capillaries ↓ the distance between capillary & cells 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Acclimatization Cardiac output Increased by 20 – 30% immediately But after few days Return back to normal May fall slightly below normal after few months There is increase in blood flow to Muscles, heart, brain 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acclimatization: Cellular level Enzymes adaptation to hypoxia Increase number of mitochondria Increase in cellular oxidative enzymes 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Failure to acclimatize Chronic mountain sickness After remaining at high altitudes for a long time One develops mountain sickness Red cell mass and haematocrit Become exceptionally high 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Failure to acclimatize Pulmonary arterial pressure Become elevated more than during acclimatization Right heart becomes greatly enlarged Peripheral arterial pressure falls Congestive heart failure develop 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Deep Sea diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Physiologic effects Relation of sea depth to pressure A column of fresh water 34 ft (33 ft sea water) high Exert the same pressure As the atmosphere above earth 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Physiologic effects A person 33 ft beneath the ocean Exposed to pressure of 2 atmospheres 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effects of Depth on pressure Sea depth (ft) Pressure (atmos) 1 33 2 66 3 100 4 200 7 400 13 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Effects of Depth on volume of Gases Can be derived from gas laws P1V1 = P2V2 Example if At sea level P1 = 1 atmosphere, V1 = 1liter At 33 ft below sea level P2 = 2 atmosphere V2 = (P1V1)/P2 = ½ liter The air chambers of the diver Will be compressed 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Nitrogen Narcosis About 4/5th of air is nitrogen At sea level pressure Nitrogen has no bad effects to tissues However, at high pressures Nitrogen can cause varying degree of narcosis 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Nitrogen Narcosis When a diver remains beneath the sea For about 1 hr breathing compressed air At 120 ft Begins to have symptoms of mild narcosis Exhibits joviality Becomes careless 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Nitrogen Narcosis At 150 – 200 ft Becomes drowsy At 200 – 250 ft Diver usually becomes useless 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Nitrogen Narcosis The narcosis is due to effects of dissolved N2 N2 diffuses freely through fat Into nervous tissue Alters conduction of nerve impulse Decreases excitability Brain function becomes impaired 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Oxygen Toxicity Effect of extremely high PO2 When the PO2 increase above 100 mm Hg Amount of dissolved O2 in water increases The normal safe range of tissue PO2 Is between 20 – 60 mm Hg At higher tissue PO2 Oxygen poisoning occurs 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Acute Oxygen Poisoning Due to extremely high tissue PO2 Exposure to 4 atmospheres pressure of O2 Partial pressure of about 3040 mm Hg will cause Seizures (convulsion) within 30 to 60 min They occur without warning Likely to be lethal to the diver Other symptoms include Nausea, muscle twitches, dizziness, disturbances of vision, irritability 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Oxygen Poisoning Excessive intra cellular oxidation Oxidizing free radicals Molecular O2 Active form of O2 Oxygen free radicals Super- oxide free radical (O2-) Peroxide radicals (hydrogen peroxide) 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Oxygen Poisoning At normal tissue PO2 Small amount of free radicals are formed Body contain enzymes that remove them Peroxidases, catalases, superoxide dismutase 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Oxygen Poisoning Above a critical level of alveolar PO2 (>2 atmospheres) Hb – O2 buffering mechanism fail Tissue PO2 rise tremendously The amount of oxidizing free radicals 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving Oxygen Poisoning Effects of oxidizing free radicals Oxidize polyunsaturated fatty acids Essential components of cell membranes Oxidize cellular enzymes Damage cellular metabolism Nervous tissue Very susceptible Lethal effect caused due to brain damage 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Decompression of Diver When a diver breathes compressed air for a long time Amount of nitrogen dissolve in body fluid increase The nitrogen dissolved in tissue Not metabolized Remains dissolve in tissue fluids 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Nitrogen Dissolved in Body Fluid Depth in ft Amount in Liters 1 33 2 100 4 200 7 300 10 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Decompression Sickness Also known as Bends Compressed air sickness Caisson’s disease Diver’s paralysis Dysbarism 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Decompression Sickness When a diver has been beneath the sea for a long time Large amount of nitrogen Become dissolved in body fluids If the diver suddenly comes to the surface Significant amount of nitrogen bubbles Can develop in the body fluid These can cause some damages This is known as decompression sickness 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Decompression Sickness Symptoms Most of the symptoms are caused by Bubbles blocking blood vessels Air embolism The symptoms include Pain in joints and limb muscles Nervous symptoms Dizziness, paralysis, collapse 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Decompression Sickness The chokes caused by Massive numbers of bubbles plugging pulmonary capillaries Shortness of breath Severe pulmonary edema 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Decompression Procedures However, If the diver is brought to surface slowly Dissolved N2 is eliminated through the lung Rapidly enough to prevent decompression sickness About 2/3rd of the total nitrogen is liberated in 1 hr And about 90% of the total in 6 hrs 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving
Decompression Procedures There are special time schedules For decompression Depending on the depth and duration of the dive 22-Feb-19 High Altitudes & Deep sea Diving