Executive Summary: High School Algebra 9 This High School Algebra 9 Course of Study is based on the previously Board-approved High School Algebra course of study to permit 9 th graders who failed Algebra Readiness as 8 th graders to take Pacemaker Algebra I to prepare them to be successful in Algebra I. Process : –The 7-12 Articulation Committee, 7-12 principals, and teacher focus group provided input towards finding an appropriate course of study for the 9 th grade intensive pathway in Math. –7-12 Math Articulation reviewed and recommended approval – May 4, 2009 –Sent to 9-12 principals via – May 14, 2009 –Received Curriculum Councils approval for recommendation – May 7, 2009 Recommendation: Approval of High School Algebra 9 course of study.
High School Algebra 9 Course of Study Presentation Board of Education – June 2, 2009
Need for Intensive Pathway for Grade 9 Mathematics Students who fail Algebra Readiness as 8 th graders need another intervention course to prepare them to be successful in Algebra I High School Algebra 9 will replace Algebra Readiness which had been included in the grade 9 pathway for one year
High School Algebra 9 is a Freshmen only section of High School Algebra (Pacemaker) leading up to Algebra I with Shadow High School Algebra 9 is designed as an intervention course for 9th graders meeting the intensive criteria for math. Students who successfully complete High School Algebra 9 will be enrolled in Algebra I or Algebra I with Shadow. Duration: 1 year Credit: 10 Math Credits This course does not meet UC or CSU approval
Rationale: Successful completion of this course completes the study of mathematics that meets the content standards for first year algebra. The course requires students to review, practice, use, or extend what they have learned in preparation for taking Algebra I. The course embodies a simple pedagogical approach that includes planned instruction with ample practice, review, and reinforcement. Topics include solving equations, introduction of functions, linear equations and functions, inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, exponents and functions, quadratic functions and equations, polynomials and factoring, radicals and geometry, and rational expressions and equations.
Four-Year Pathway: Students who successfully complete High School Algebra 9 will be placed in Algebra I or Algebra I with Shadow.
Math Course Options for Grade 9:
Context of Course of Study High School Algebra 9 (Pacemaker) is based on the updated course of study for High School Algebra 9. A separate course of study is needed because this course is… Open to freshmen only who were unsuccessful with Algebra Readiness in grade 8. (High School Algebra (Pacemaker) is currently only open to students in grades ) Intended to lead up to Algebra I or Algebra I with Shadow. (High School Algebra is currently used only for diploma track.)
Impact on Graduation Requirement High School Algebra 9 (Pacemaker) will satisfy one year of math for district graduation purposes. Current 8th graders (students in the class of 2013) will be the only class to receive credit for two years of Algebra to fulfill their graduation requirement for mathematics through this proposed pathway. There may be a change in graduation requirements for subsequent classes will require students to successfully complete an additional math course to satisfy the 3-year math requirement.
Conclusion Curriculum Council has recommended approval of High School Algebra 9 (Pacemaker) course of study on May 7, 2009.