The SBS Training Database Features Benefits Set-up Using the Training Database
ISO 9001:2008 Human Resource Requirements Personnel performing work affecting product quality shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience. ISO 9001:2008 Section 6.2.1 The Organization shall: determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting product quality, provide training or take other actions to satisfy these needs, evaluate the effectiveness of the training, ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives, and maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience. ISO 9001:2008 Section 6.2.2
Training Database Overview Easy to use, menu driven Defines employee Positions Prerequisites, Previous qualifications Roles and Responsibilities Training required for the position Tracks training requirements By department By individual employee Record training classes, class rosters, and effectiveness measurements Tracks re-certification requirements Identifies delinquent training Measures the effectiveness of your training management system Built using Microsoft Access Runtime version of Access is included A Free runtime version may also be downloaded from Microsoft No need to purchase Microsoft Access separately
Easy Installation Download the demo database Save or copy the Training DB.mde or Training DB.accde file to a designated folder on your Network File Server Once purchased, register the demo database (enter the Product Key) Ensure all Workstations have Microsoft Access or the free Runtime version of Microsoft Access Read and write privileges to the designated folder on the Network File Server Note: The above graphic is for stand alone Access databases - SQL configurations are different
The Basics The Database tracks Terminology: Training events Certification events Employee status Document releases that trigger training events Terminology: Training class A structured set of topics for training employees on a particular subject Training Event An event in time where training was performed for specific employees Training for Non-Critical Tasks For tasks that do not directly effect product quality Training for Non-critical tasks may happen one time Training is recorded but does not require re-certification Training for Critical Tasks For tasks that directly effect product quality Requires certification and re-certification on a periodic basis Re-certification dates are tracked and reported Management determines critical vs. non-critical tasks / training
How the Training Database Works Training Requirements are compared to historical training events to determine Training Needs or Gaps Positions Requirements Historical Training Events Employee Gaps Take Action to eliminate Gaps
Preparation Develop a concise Org Chart Formalize positions Employee Names Job Titles or Positions Who reports to who (reporting structure) Departments Formalize positions Create a detailed job description for each Position Define any prerequisites for each Position List all required training for each position Group training into Skills and define the skill set for each position Note any employee specific training for each employee List any documents that require re-training when new revisions are released
Login Screen The login process limits access to the database features The Demo version includes dummy data and employees Admin is the default login for demo versions (unregistered) Admin has full Database privileges Employee: Admin Password: admin All other employees password = pw
Training Database Set-up – Process Flow
Set-up parameters are organized into multiple tabs Database Set-up Set-up parameters are organized into multiple tabs Enter General Set-up parameters Enter Departments Define Employee Types Define Class Types Define Class Categories Define Document Categories Enter Company Information This information is used to organize data for the various reports
Add Departments Add the functional departments that exist within your organization Department numbers or codes are optional After employees have been defined, add the department managers Use
Add Employee Types Define salary, hourly Define Temporary, contractor, or special category employee types Use
Add Class Types and Categories Use
Add Document Categories Define categories to group document types Used only if training is tied to document revisions Is not required Use
Other Define “Near Due” for reports
Database Set-up (Continued) Create Training Classes Non-critical tasks – no re-certification Critical Tasks – Certification Required Create critical Documents that require Training when new revisions are released Create Documents Create training classes associated with the document Create Skills Skills are a group of related training classes assigned to one or more Positions Create Positions Enter roles and Responsibilities Define Position Requirements Define Training Requirements specifically for that position Define Skills for the position Enter Employees Employees may have more than one position Define Employee specific training requirements
Create Training Classes Enter Training Class Name (Title) What training Category is appropriate? This field helps organize the training classes What is the Type of training? Is Recertification required? If so, when does the Certification expire? Define when the training class is scheduled to be completed The duration How long does the class take? Prerequisites What training is required before this class may be taken? Define training materials used in the class Set-up links to training material for easy reference Use Ctrl-K to add a link to a file
Add / Edit Training Class Form Fields with yellow background are mandatory. Training Class requires re-certification How long is the certification valid?
Training Class Delinquencies Position start date is set on the Employee Information form Reports show date on which training must be completed # of days to complete class after position start date
Create Documents Create a document Make a new revision of the document Enter document details Create a document Make a new revision of the document If a new revision triggers training or re-certification, Create a Training Class based on this document The Add / Edit Documents form must be used to create this special training class This form creates a link between the document and the training class The Add/Edit Training Class form will not link the document and the class Add the training class to skills or position requirements Each new release will reset training requirements for the special training class Create a new revision 4 Click to create the new revision Check to require Training for this release Create a special training class based on this document
Select the set of training classes that are required for each skill Create Skills Skills are A group of training classes or requirements Associated with one or many positions Enter the skill Name Select the set of training classes that are required for each skill
Create Positions
Add New Employees Add Employee ID, Name, and email address Select an Employee Type (regular or temp) Select a Department Enter a Shift, and “Reports to” supervisor/manager Date of Hire (DOH) and position start date New employees are Active Inactive employees have termination dates and do not appear in many reports Select the Employee Positions An employee may hold more than one position Enter any employee specific training Create a user login (if necessary) with access privileges
Create a New Employee Enter general Employee information Filters show only active, inactive, or all employees Select all positions that the employee holds
Using the Database Record a training event or class View Reports Record employees who attended Attach a scanned image of the class roster Record pass / fail + test scores if applicable Attach an electronic file (test) if applicable Enter recertification date if applicable View Reports Maintain records Add/edit departments Add/edit Positions / requirements Add/edit employee information
Schedule a Future Training Event Enter event information Enter employees scheduled to attend Print a class roster requiring employee signatures Email a scheduling announcement to all attendees
Hold a Training Class or Event Select the Class Name from the list Enter the Instructor Name The training roster Have employees sign a roster proving they attended the event Scan the document and create an electronic file (.pdf) Link the electronic file to the training event Enter a Class Date a date range may also be entered, but the single date is required Duration is either calculated from the date range or entered manually If recertification is required enter the Recertification Date Then enter each attendee with Pass/fail Pass/fail is important for the subsequent reports If a test was taken, it may be scanned and linked to each employee name
Record a Training Event Scan and link electronic roster Define date when recertification is required Generate a summary report Scan and link electronic test results Print a certificate
Configurable Reports
Key Reports Overall Training Effectiveness Need indicates required training has NOT been completed Red = Delinquent Re-Certification
Click & Email reports to all delinquent employees
Analyze Employee Turn Over Head Count reports Ratio of Employees hired to Terminated Turn Over Rate = (# Employees Terminated) / (Total head Count)
Utilize the toolbar to improve efficiency Advanced Filter Remove Filter Filter form by selection Print Sort Records alphabetically Print Preview Find a record Email report as attachment For additional time saving techniques, See “Access Tips and Tricks” (download from
Deleting Demo Data The demo data may be deleted once you purchase a License key You may activate the actual file you downloaded and evaluated To delete a single employee
Deleting Demo Data – Deleting multiple records Right click on the top of a form, select datasheet view, Press Delete on the Keyboard
Summary The SBS training database is a cost effective tool to Ensure effective training compliance with ISO 9001:2008 AS 9100 TS 16949 OHSAS 18001 ISO 14001 Develop and execute training plans Maintain paperless quality records Analyze performance and develop improvement strategies Save time and effort
About SBS Sunday Business Systems is engaged in software sales and consulting services. Applies Lean Manufacturing principles to Quality Management Systems Sells software solutions to small businesses which help them implement ISO9001:2008 compliant systems for Document Control Corrective and Preventive Actions Employee Training Control of calibrated equipment Preventive Maintenance Customer Satisfaction Surveys Statistical Process Control Vendor Management Communication / Continual improvement Shop Floor Control Will customize the software for a particular Customer Offers full Training services customized to individual needs
About SBS – Services Training Database data import Import employees, departments, classes, positions Training Database Customization Modify the standard product to match your process / terminology Custom Database Solutions Solutions for shop floor control/order processing and bar code solutions. Database programming MS Access SQL Contact SBS for additional details
Sunday Business Systems Fueling Small Business Efficiency Visit for: Additional information Free product demos Pricing Links to purchase software © 2012 Sunday Business Systems. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Sunday Business Systems MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.