English and ELT Methodology and Pedagogy Courses 2005 Some guidelines
An English and Methodology and Pedagogy Course Phase 1: English Phase 2: Methodology + Pedagogy Phase 3: Micro-teaching
Phase 1: English 120 Hours To 3 levels: ALTE 1, 2 and 3 Phase 1 is the English component itself. Clearly, the course must exemplify appropriate ELT methodology and pedagogy, as it will set the example which the participants will follow in their own teaching. This ´model´ concept cannot be overemphasized.
o The course must focus on the development of an ability to use English o All new language must be presented in an appropriate context o Vocabulary development, not the learning of grammar structures, must be the key component. The course must reflect contemporary knowledge about language (largely from corpus linguistics research). o All receptive-skill (reading and listening) activities must be accompanied by appropriate pre-, while and post- reading/listening tasks o All speaking activities must be based on developing real communication; that is, with appropriate information-gap tasks, etc
Key lessons are recorded on video: ( this is mandatory) the first lesson (ice-breaking, intro to course and methodology, etc) the second lesson lessons which demonstrate skills (RWSL) development lessons which include appropriate vocabulary development lessons which illustrate appropriate classroom management principles and techniques (particularly pair work and group work)
lessons which include appropriate use of the board, other audio-visual resources, and ICT where possible lessons which illustrate appropriate assessment principles and techniques lessons which illustrate appropriate error correction, feedback, and monitoring of progress etc etc etc Key lessons are recorded on video (continued)
Diary entries are made by all teachers ( this is also mandatory) Teachers record something about their learning experience (in Spanish if necessary) at the end of every lesson (and appropriate time is provided for this)
Phase 2: ELT Methodology and Pedagogy 50 hours The video sequences and diaries are to be used to initiate reflection on, and guided discussion of, appropriate ELT methodology and pedagogy. Activities and tasks should integrate video observation and focused group discussion. Appropriate ELT reference texts should be incorporated (this should include assigned readings where appropriate: particularly ALTE 3 courses)
Phase 3: Micro-teaching 30 hours PHASE 3 is designed to enable participants to make the connection between their own language learning experiences in PHASE 1, the analysis and discussion of appropriate ELT methodology and pedagogy in PHASE 2, and what they will take away with them – the attitudes and beliefs, and the skills, principles and techniques – to their own language teaching classrooms.