is the London Borough of Redbridge s new online professional development management system. It is only place that you need to go to in order to: Search & view details of courses Book places on courses View your professional development record Monitor, Evaluate and Report on professional development in your school. What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps What is along with other initiatives are excellent examples of how ICT can be used to enhance provision of educational services and support. These services are positioning the London Borough of Redbridge at the leading edge in this field. What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps Why Now? Countless initiatives are imposed upon schools often with too little explanation, consultation or discussion of the rational behind them. This is an opportunity to address this issue for this initiative.
What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps Existing System
What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps Current system provides a programme of professional development but has a number of short-comings: 1.Restricted Access to Course Directory 2.Difficult to identify appropriate courses 3.Inefficient Booking Process 4.Difficult to gather information for PD portfolio 5.Restricted programme of course development 6.No build-in system for monitoring, evaluating and reporting on professional development Why Do We Need a New System? is a web-based service, therefore: Course Directory is always in the same location Virtually unlimited simultaneous viewing. Facilitates anywhere, anytime access All schools are connected to the internet, most staff have home internet access and all staff have free internet access at public libraries. Benefit 1: Anywhere, Anytime Access What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps
Courses can be searched by: Date Course Category Key Stage Target Audience Target interest type Keywords & phrases Defined user profiles. Bookmarks provide staff with quick direct access to courses of interest. Staff can choose to receive targeted s of events that match their profile. Benefit 2: Searchable Course Directory What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps simplifies the booking process by reducing the need for additional faxing and telephone calls to check availability etc. Staff can enable Remote Booking on their accounts, and allow the schools PDC user to manage bookings on their behalf. provides schools with a choice of how they wish to incorporate the service into their existing school procedures. Benefit 3: Efficiency with Choice What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps gives staff the ability to manage their own professional development portfolio. It provides a central store for essential information for: CVs Performance Management Threshold applications etc. Staff accounts and professional development records are portable – they can be easily transferred to other schools. Benefit 4: Professional Development Records What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps enables a rolling program of course development and publication so that the training provision can better match developing training needs. is continually updated and enables staff to obtain the latest information on courses (e.g. additional dates, cancellation of course etc.). Benefit 5: Training That Meets Needs What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps
All course requests and attendances are automatically entered into a schools online Professional Development Report. PDC Report provides Professional Development Coordinators with have a continuously updated record of staff professional development in their school. Benefit 6: Improved Monitoring & Reporting What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps
Requires net access All schools have 2 broadband connections. Most teacher have access at home Everyone has free access in public libraries Schools do not receive a paper-copy of course directory Paper copies are not searchable, can print details Changing Working Practices Schools can decide how to implement in their school (Internal Approval & Remote Booking) What Happens if our internet connection fails? Use your alternative internet connection Service disruption less than under the existing system. What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps Issues to Consider
Summary What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps The development of has been based around the two corner stones of being able to provide educational support services that: provide schools with choices regarding how to incorporate new systems into their existing practices improve efficiency of professional development management The handout outlines in more detail the points made in this presentation
1 Hour hands-on familiarisation training for PDCs on Wednesday 23rd June Next Steps What is it? Why Now? Existing System Benefits Access Searching Booking a Course PD Portfolio Course Provision Reporting Issues to Consider Summary Next Steps